On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 12:17 PM, Поляков Максим Александрович <
maxim.polya...@etalongroup.com> wrote:

> I use command “/opt/git/online/loolwsd/configure --enable-silent-rules
> --with-lokit-path=/opt/git/libreoffice/include 
> --with-lo-path=/opt/git/libreoffice/instdir
> --enable-debug --with-poco-includes=/opt/poco/Net/include
> -with-poco-libs=/opt/poco/lib”.

You are pointing to the Net/include. Shouldn't you want to include all Poco
headers rather than just the Net headers?
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  • problem with loolws... Поляков Максим Александрович
    • Re: problem wi... Ashod Nakashian

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