On 14.09.2016 09:40, Jan Iversen wrote:
>> I installed QtCreator to work on the LO project. But then, at the first 
>> attempt to compile, I get the following message. 
>> /.../libreoffice/desktop/inc/app.hxx:24: error: com / sun / star / lang / 
>> XMultiServiceFactory.hpp: No such file or directory.
> Currently our support for IDE is merely to be able to look at the files more 
> easily, we have a project running to actually be able to also compile, I am 
> however not sure it will cover QtCreator (but it can be easy expanded, to do 
> so). The focus right now is:
> - Xcode for Mac
> - Visual studio for Windows
> - Eclipse for linux
> That is once we are able to generate e.g. structured tree from the makefile 
> output.

actually these are currently implemented in bin/gbuild-to-ide:

        'eclipsecdt': EclipseCDTIntegrationGenerator,
        'kdevelop': KdevelopIntegrationGenerator,
        'xcode': XcodeIntegrationGenerator,
        'vs2012': VisualStudioIntegrationGenerator,
        'vs2013': VisualStudioIntegrationGenerator,
        'vim': VimIntegrationGenerator,
        'debug': DebugIntegrationGenerator,
        'qtcreator': QtCreatorIntegrationGenerator,

how many of them actually work is anybody's guess, but it's a python
script so you can just fix it if it doesn't work.

> To build LibreOffice you need to use make.

yes you first need to do a complete build with make, then you can use
the IDE stuff to do changes (and also rebuild, i think).

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