Hi Tamas / all,

        After some weeks of quiescence, and with 18 ESC types ranking these and
averaging the results (by convention we publish just the average) we
have the attached.

On 30/01/17 22:42, Zolnai Tamás wrote:
>> * TDF / Budgeting / Brainstorming (Thorsten)
> When will these scores be public? I'm interested how ranking looks like.

        And now some notes to set expectations:

        * TDF's discretionary development budget is fairly small
                + I would not expect to see more than a handful of
                  these put out to tender.

        * The proposals now go into the board's budgeting wringer -
          I'll add the top 15 or so there: if the board thinks
          differently looking from a whole-project basis, we can end up
          with a different ranking.

        * Getting Macs for developers to address Mac specific issues
          was very highly rated, but already approved by the board &
          starting to be actioned.

        * For items that are not funded - we have a GSOC coming up that
          may be a good fit for some of the smaller items.



michael.me...@collabora.com <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

Attachment: esc-2017-budget.ods
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet

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