On 11/18/2011 08:51 PM, Christian Ehrlicher wrote:
When I try to connect to libreoffice over a uno socket
(com.sun.star.bridge.UnoUrlResolver) in most cases I need to try at least two
times because the socket is not (yet) open:

Cannot establish a connection using
'uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2083;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager': Connector
: couldn't connect to socket (Erfolg)

At least this is what I would interpret into this error message. Is this
correct? Then the solution would be to wait a little bit longer until I try to
connect to libreoffice if this helps...

Yes, there is of course a race between soffice starting to listen on the socket you passed it with the -accept argument and your code calling connect. See, for example, the for -- try -- catch NoConnectException loop in unotest/source/cpp/officeconnection.cxx for how to live with that race.

Now the document loader example mentions another uno mechanism:

NOTE: This example does not use the new UNO bootstrap mechanism, it uses still
a socket connection.

Does this mean the socket connection is deprecated? And if so - what's the new
way and can someone give me an example? :-)

That note is misleading. The simplified bootstrap mechanism internally still uses a socket connection. See <http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/DevGuide/ProUNO/C%2B%2B/Transparent_Use_of_Office_UNO_Components>.

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