On 18.02.2018 21:37, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
John Frankish wrote:
The problem is with:

AC_CHECK_HEADER(gpgme++/gpgmepp_version.h, [ 
GPGMEPP_CFLAGS=-I/usr/include/gpgme++ ],

Ah right, I guess the GPGMEPP_CFLAGS=... part there is entirely
redundant. Should work fine w/o.

Note that we include gpgme++ include files without the leading "gpgme++/" (e.g.

# include <gpgme.h>
# include <context.h>
# include <encryptionresult.h>
# include <key.h>
# include <data.h>

in comphelper/source/misc/storagehelper.cxx), presumably because external/gpgmepp/ExternalProject_gpgmepp.mk in its current form doesn't provide those gpgme++ include files in a gpgme++ directory.

So setting GPGMEPP_CFLAGS for the --with-system-gpgmepp /is/ necessary with the current setup, it just does not work to arbitrarily guess that the gpgme++ directory is in /usr/include merely because the compiler is able to include gpgme++/gpgmepp_version.h from one of its system locations.

Probably best to make external/gpgmepp/ExternalProject_gpgmepp.mk run `make install` to somewhere, and use proper includes with "gpgme++/" prefix across our code.
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