Hi all,

1. The change of the title (Text to Text [en-US]) seems extremely
sensible to me and should get in as early as possible, so other
translators see the new string too.

2. The question you added seems sensible to me, even though it makes
the text even longer [1], so should probably get in. Also, it would be
great, if you could remove or at least comment out the "en-US-old"
thing, that seems mighty confusing.

3. It is a bit of a problem to use button labels without a verb (or
alternatively OK) and also probably goes against most HIGs, so not a
good idea IMO. William, is it a possibility to use just "Utiliser ODF"
just for French (that this is a file format is made clear before,

4. I have a few reservations against using "Statistics" instead of
"Word Count." While, technically, you're right, the word count is just
part of what you get, "Word Count" seems much more digestible to me
and is also the main use of the feature. Also, it used to be called
"Word Count" in all older English version, too.

> However, I remember there has been quite extensive discussion / testing (in
> which I wasn't involved, so I don't remember details - which I wouldn't
> anyway) to get is as it is now.

Right, there was a bit of discussion about the dialog, see this
(pretty long) thread:

We didn't reach any consensus, there, though



[1] http://www.joelonsoftware.com/uibook/chapters/fog0000000062.html
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