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Betreff:        [de-discuss] Wiki page Daily builds
Datum:  Thu, 29 Mar 2018 00:42:10 +0200
Von:    Gerhard Weydt <gerhard.we...@t-online.de>
An:     LibreOffice discuss <disc...@de.libreoffice.org>

Hi all,

the wiki page concerning daily builds:
seems to be potentially outdated. I don't think that anything is wrong,
but life might be easier than it appears reading that page, as ist seems
that there have been changes to that effect.
I had reason to install a daily build for the first time, and I simply
downloaded and installed it, and all went well, it was a separate
installation without me doing anything in that direction. Afterwards I
saw that Separate Install GUI would also have worked, but I missed the
entries of the daily builds, which are at the top of the list, and I
would have searched them at the bottom, in chronological order.
I am using Windows, and I added some encouraging information, restricted
to that OS.
Updating the entire page is above my knowledge, but someone else might
perhaps think it worth while.



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