I had the same problem.
Doing a make clean and then updating to HEAD fixed it for me, but can't say exactly why...

On 2012-01-23 09:28, Chr. Rossmanith wrote:

what can I do to make "make check" succeed? Currently it fails with:

... languages en-US ...
... analyzing files ...
ERROR: The following files could not be found:
ERROR: File not found: dict-an.oxt
ERROR: File not found: dict-ar.oxt
ERROR: File not found: dict-be.oxt
ERROR: File not found: dict-bg.oxt
ERROR: File not found: dict-bn.oxt
ERROR: File not found: dict-de.oxt
ERROR: File not found: dict-el.oxt
ERROR: File not found: dict-gd.oxt
ERROR: File not found: dict-gu.oxt
ERROR: File not found: dict-hi.oxt
ERROR: File not found: dict-lv.oxt
ERROR: File not found: dict-pt-pt.oxt
ERROR: File not found: dict-si.oxt
ERROR: File not found: dict-te.oxt
... cleaning the output tree ...
... removing directory /tmp/ooopackaging/i_150701327301978 ...
Mon Jan 23 07:59:43 2012 (00:05 min.)
Failed to install: at /Space/LibreOffice_OneGit/core/solenv/bin/ooinstall line 129.
dmake:  Error code 255, while making 'localinstall'

I don't think that this is related to modifications I've made during replacing ByteString with OString...

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