Hello there,

I've been building LO and it seems build is failing for me in tail_build
for one of the unit test. I asked about if there is any work around other
than cleaning and rebuilding this big chunk in the main channel. Didn't get
reply there so I'm posting it to the list here. It failed with following
message while partial building.

[ build CHK ] sfx2
R=/home/anurag/libo && S=$R/core && O=$S/solver/unxlngx6.pro &&
W=$S/workdir/unxlngx6.pro &&  mkdir -p $W/Module/check/ && touch
[ build CHK ] slideshow
R=/home/anurag/libo && S=$R/core && O=$S/solver/unxlngx6.pro &&
W=$S/workdir/unxlngx6.pro &&  mkdir -p $W/Module/check/ && touch
[ build CHK ] starmath
R=/home/anurag/libo && S=$R/core && O=$S/solver/unxlngx6.pro &&
W=$S/workdir/unxlngx6.pro &&  mkdir -p $W/Module/check/ && touch
[ build LNK ] CppunitTest/libtest_svtools_filters_test.so
R=/home/anurag/libo && S=$R/core && O=$S/solver/unxlngx6.pro &&
W=$S/workdir/unxlngx6.pro &&  mkdir -p $W/LinkTarget/CppunitTest/ && g++
-shared -Wl,-z,noexecstack     -Wl,-z,defs  -Wl,-rpath-link,/lib:/usr/lib
-Wl,-z,combreloc   -L$S/solenv/unxlngx6/lib -L$O/lib
-L$S/solenv/unxlngx6/lib  -Wl,--hash-style=gnu  -Wl,--dynamic-list-cpp-new
-Wl,--dynamic-list-cpp-typeinfo -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions  -Wl,--strip-all
$W/CxxObject/svtools/qa/cppunit/filters-test.o     -Wl,--start-group
 -Wl,--end-group  -lcppunit -lcomphelpgcc3 -luno_cppu -luno_cppuhelpergcc3
-luno_sal -lsvtlo -ltest -ltllo -lunotest -lvcllo -o
TEMPFILE=/tmp/gbuild.ZTBqok &&  mv ${TEMPFILE}
[ build CUT ] svtools_filters_test
R=/home/anurag/libo && S=$R/core && O=$S/solver/unxlngx6.pro &&
W=$S/workdir/unxlngx6.pro &&  mkdir -p $W/CppunitTest/ &&
(LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$O/lib":$O/lib/sqlite   DBGSV_ERROR_OUT=shell
STAR_RESOURCEPATH=$O/bin/   $O/bin/cppunit/cppunittester
$W/LinkTarget/CppunitTest/libtest_svtools_filters_test.so --headless
--protector unoexceptionprotector.so unoexceptionprotector
"-env:UNO_TYPES= file://$O/bin/udkapi.rdb  file://$O/bin/types.rdb"
-env:URE_INTERNAL_LIB_DIR=file://$O/lib  -env:LO_LIB_DIR=file://$O/lib >
$W/CppunitTest/svtools_filters_test.test.log 2>&1 || (cat
$W/CppunitTest/svtools_filters_test.test.log && echo; echo "Error: a unit
test failed, please do one of:"; echo; echo "export DEBUGCPPUNIT=TRUE
     # for exception catching"; echo "export GDBCPPUNITTRACE=\"gdb --args\"
# for interactive debugging"; echo "export VALGRIND=memcheck            #
for memory checking" ; echo "and retry." && false))
File tested,Test Result,Execution Time (ms)
Test name: SvtoolsFiltersTest::testCVEs
assertion failed
- Expression: osl::FileBase::E_None == osl::File::remove(sTmpFile)

Failures !!!
Run: 1   Failure total: 1   Failures: 1   Errors: 0

Error: a unit test failed, please do one of:

export DEBUGCPPUNIT=TRUE            # for exception catching
export GDBCPPUNITTRACE="gdb --args" # for interactive debugging
export VALGRIND=memcheck            # for memory checking
and retry.
make: *** [/home/anurag/libo/core/workdir/
unxlngx6.pro/CppunitTest/svtools_filters_test.test] Error 1

Awaiting a response ..

Thanks and regards.

Anurag Jain
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