On 04/07/2018 17:37, Luboš Luňák wrote:
  I've changed --enable-gold to --enable-ld=<linker>, because I've found out
that LLVM besides Clang provides also a linker called lld, and lld at least
in version 6 actually performs even better than gold (4s vs gold's 6-7s).
There are some caveats though:
* lld6 crashes sometimes and needs [1] (openSUSE users,
devel:tools:compiler/libLLVM6 has it)
* Valgrind can't handle lld's debuginfo and needs [2] and [3], or
passing --no-rosegment to lld, see
https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=384727 (openSUSE users,
home:llunak:my/valgrind has them)

and lld doesn't understand --dynamic-list-cpp-typeinfo, which we add for sanitizer (ASan/UBSan) builds in solenv/gbuild/platform/unxgcc.mk
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