On 27/03/2020 09:45, Noel Grandin wrote:
At this point I recommend we simply give up and revert the ninja patch, it is not worth it.

I sympathize with that, for a different reason. I have spent enough time now to fix external/nss' new gyp+ninja build for my needs on Linux and Windows. But what bothers me is that we now have to support two different build systems there, as external/nss/ExternalProject_nss.mk still contains

else # platforms which need(?) the old build system (feel free to port to the 
new system)

to use the old make build on e.g. macOS. (And I think it is unlikely that anybody will be enthusiastic to go ahead with the suggested porting). I think the added complexity that dual build support brings is rather unfortunate.

(And yes, for Windows we already often enough need to support an extra branch in various ExternalProject_*.mk, including ExternalProject_nss.mk. But IMO that doesn't mean it's a good idea to proliferate that even further.)

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