Hi Steve,

        Thank you for your detailed mail.

On Fri, 2012-03-30 at 11:39 +0200, Steve White wrote:
> This is to express a general wish, that the word processor be brought
> up to date with respect to typographic features

        This is not a mailing list to express wishes on :-) it's for discussing
code, patches, having development questions answered, etc.

> It's disappointing that LibreOffice (as well as its commercial
> competition) have *poorer* support for these features than the base

        I agree - but this is (in a nutshell) a reflection of people's
willingness to come and hack on the problems. Also, with Graphite2 a
number of these features already work rather well AFAIK (but I'm no
expert), if you use the right fonts.

        So - are you willing to help out hacking on this ? you seem to know a
good bit about the area :-) if not, that would be disappointing :-) We
can help get you up-to-speed here, mentoring new guys is another purpose
of this list.

        All the best,


michael.me...@suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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