David Tardon píše v St 18. 04. 2012 v 10:02 +0200:
> Hi all,
> the problem is that we did not refresh search data for subsequent
> searches, so the back references were always filled using the search
> data of the first match. So, for RE ([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2}), replacement
> $1.$2 and string "1200-1300", that would lead to the following sequence
> of changes:
> 1. back refs 0-2, 2-4 -> "12", "00"; repl. "12.00"; new str. "12.00-1300"
> 2. back refs 0-2, 2-4 -> "12", ".0"; repl. "12..0"; new str. "12.00-12..0"
> Commit ea1cd1a10cc2d2bbf4f82aeca689fe81a3b79856 fixes that.

Great catch! Makes sense. Works well => pushed into 3-5 branch, see

It will be in 3.5.3-rc1.

Best Regards,

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