On 14/05/12 11:04, Noel Grandin wrote:
> On 2012-05-14 10:50, Matúš Kukan wrote:
>> No, It should be -Fo$W/... and $W is empty. Why ? You can set WORKDIR 
>> manually in config_host.mk if it is empty there.
> OK, so as it turns out this is entirely my fault. I have this in my 
> configure
> --with-solver-and-workdir-root=/cygdrive/D/reallyreallylong/reallyreallylong/reallyreallylong
> which was generating this warning during autogen.sh:
>      realpath: 
> `/cygdrive/D/reallyreallylong/reallyreallylong/reallyreallylong/workdir/wntmsci12.pro':
> No such file or directory
>      cygpath: can't convert empty path

i was unaware that PathFormat can fail in this way :(

> Perhaps we should make this an error instead of a warning?

in general you are right, configure clearly shouldn't create empty paths
in case of error, so i've changed the PathFormat on master to report errors.

but in this case there shouldn't be a warning, because it's legitimate
that the workdir/$INPATH and solver/ subdirs don't exist at configure
time, and we already check that the $with-solver-and-workdir-root
exists; so i've fixed the PathFormat invocation on master too. please
try again.

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