1/ I'm having breakage building the first side fo things... do you
require a make clean before running your script ?

2/ your script does not seems to detect a build failure... it then
switch on the feature branch and I get

Previous HEAD position was 5875f18... make the output more predictable
Switched to a new branch 'feature/gbuild_scp2'
Branch feature/gbuild_scp2 set up to track remote branch
feature/gbuild_scp2 from origin.
*   Running the post download checks.
checking build system type... i386-apple-darwin10.8.0
checking host system type... i386-apple-darwin10.8.0
cd icu && unset MAKEFLAGS && /Volumes/TBRAM/core/solenv/bin/build.pl -P8 -- -P8

(1/1) Building module icu
Entering /Volumes/TBRAM/core/icu

Multiprocessing build is finished
Maximal number of processes run: 1
cd icu && /Volumes/TBRAM/core/solenv/bin/deliver.pl
Use of uninitialized value $field_a[0] in numeric lt (<) at
/Volumes/TBRAM/core/solenv/bin/deliver.pl line 849.
Use of uninitialized value $field_a[0] in numeric lt (<) at
/Volumes/TBRAM/core/solenv/bin/deliver.pl line 849.
Use of uninitialized value $field_a[0] in numeric lt (<) at
/Volumes/TBRAM/core/solenv/bin/deliver.pl line 849.
Use of uninitialized value $field_a[0] in numeric lt (<) at
/Volumes/TBRAM/core/solenv/bin/deliver.pl line 849.
Use of uninitialized value $field_a[0] in numeric lt (<) at
/Volumes/TBRAM/core/solenv/bin/deliver.pl line 849.
Module 'icu' delivered successfully. 1 files copied, 265 files unchanged
cd scp2 && /opt/lo/bin/make -j 8 -rs gb_PARTIALBUILD=T
/Volumes/TBRAM/core/solver/unxmacxi.pro/inc/pyversion.mk:8: ***
missing separator.  Stop.
make: *** [scp2] Error 2
cannot find new build of scp2

I'm trying again starting with a make clean...

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