
On 05/16/2012 04:07 PM, Lubos Lunak wrote:

 If somebody does
a developer build, there are not many good reasons why -O2 should be used -
it takes noticably more time and it makes debugging miserable. I can't think
of anything else than final builds and profiling as a good non-corner-case
reason for -O2.

At least I understand why I always got debug builds with optimization, which does not ease the use of debugger... and why it takes so long to build.

As occasional developer, I do not want to dig to deep in build options - that is also not my interest. So with --enable-symbols, I was really expecting to get symbols without optimization, not wanting all asserts outputs.

Could it not stay like that? Or how do you obtain this effect (symbols, without optimization, without all asserts output?) I really do not want to take time to search for such thinks, hacking LO is already during my free time.
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