Zitat von Norbert Thiebaud <nthieb...@gmail.com>:

On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 1:52 AM, David Ostrovsky <david.ostrov...@gmx.de> wrote:

with help of David T. Stephan and Matúš this branch can be merged to master.
It would be really nice, if some of you with win & mac could test it.
If we do not hear anything withing 2 days we would merge it to master anyway

As I mentionned to dtardon earlier,
due to the number of such gebuild feature branch (half a dozen or so),
it would be nice to merge them all on a 'meta' feature branch where
merge conflict, and otehr kink can be ironed-out and tested and all
platforms.. and _then_ get it to master.

Another possibility would be to do reviewing, verification and hardening on gerrit. Unfortunately gerrit was outdating last time i tried to push to it,
and you and Bjorn were busy at UDC ;-)

When can we really use it with:
git push gerrit HEAD:refs/for/master
or even push to gerrit before merge to master:
git push gerrit HEAD:refs/for/feature/gbuild_testtools

Note: I'm aware that at this time no push from gerrit to fdo git repository is possible. But anybody could review and pull from gerrit and feed their tinderboxes (or whatever CI build server they use) with it.

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