On Fri, 2012-06-01 at 14:38 +0100, Michael Meeks wrote:
>       Interesting; I suspect this was due to some stale files in the sw/qa
> directory 

I believe I had this as well on an incremental build, but...

I see the value 9000 in oox getting set via...


But PropertySet::implSetPropertyValue gets the propertyname
"RotationHorizontal" not "RotateAngle" when looking up PROP_RotateAngle

digging a bit further I see from gdb that PROP_RotateAngle is 384 and
the build-time generated list of
workdir/unxlngx6.pro/oox/inc/propertynames.inc has 
/* 382 */ "RotateAngle"
workdir/unxlngx6.pro/oox/token/properties.hxx has
const sal_Int32 PROP_RotateAngle = 382;

so vbashape.cxx didn't get rebuilt correctly at some stage when the
value of PROP_RotateAngle changed

but workdir/unxlngx6.pro/Dep/CxxObject/oox/source/vml/vmlshape.d does
as a depend for vmlshape.cxx

*shrug* at this point I just make -sr clean in oox and rebuild and
everything works again.

Presumably there's some sort of gap in the dependencies where the
compilation tasks in oox can start before the CustomTarget that
generates that header completes completes its copy/link to


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