On 04/10/2023 13:56, Stephan Bergmann wrote:

etc.  To work around that, keep the <https://git.libreoffice.org/core/+/27d1f3ac016d77d3c907cebedca558308f366855%5E!/> 'O[U]String literals (unusable for now, C++20 only)' functionality disabled when compiling /clr sources (i.e., where _MANAGED is defined) for that old compiler."

I see three options here going forward:

(1)  Pretend that there is no issue.  Keep fingers crossed that "managed C++" source files compiled with /clr do not include any files that require a proper /std:c++20.  Or add more kludges similar to the above "To work around that, keep..." as needed.  (For now, until we eventually bump the MSVC baseline anyway, for whatever other reason.)

i think this should be enough for now? nobody is doing any actual development on cli_ure anyway so we can just leave it as it is until some other reason for a new MSVC baseline comes along.

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