This week progress

- Filtered files by their type when clicking the top buttons.
- Added toolbar and context toolbar depending if you select a template file
or not.
- Import template to selected folders.
- Open selected templates for editing.
- Display search edit box when clicking in the search button

TODO this week

- Implement sort by name
- Display popup menu when clicking on a toolbar button
- Implement move selected templates to other folders.
- Improve position and size of child controls in the dialog.
- Rename a folder by clicking on the name in the overlay.
- Create a new template.
- Talk to the UX team about the moving template behaviour and missing icons
for the toolbar and buttons. (For icons, in the mean time, select ones from
the repository)
- Improve display of items in ThumbnailView, their text name (truncate long
names) and thumbnails size and position.
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