Dear LibreOffice Team,
I hope this email finds you well. My name is Prathmesh Solanke, a student at 
IIT BHU, Varanasi, India, proficient in Java (spring, Spring Boot, Hibernate) 
and JavaScript, and currently preparing for the upcoming Google Summer of Code 
(GSoC). I am particularly interested in contributing to the LibreOffice 
organization and would greatly appreciate your guidance to get started 
Could you please advise me on the following points?

Recommended Technologies: What additional tools, frameworks, or technologies 
should I focus on to align my skills with LibreOffice's projects?
Starting Point: Which project(s) would you recommend as an entry point for 
someone with a strong foundation in Java and a keen interest in open-source 

I am excited about the prospect of learning from and contributing to 
LibreOffice’s impactful initiatives. Any suggestions on resources, 
documentation, or beginner-friendly tasks would be immensely helpful.
Thank you for your time and support. I look forward to your guidance and am 
eager to contribute to LibreOffice's open-source ecosystem.
Best regards,
Prathmesh Solanke
GitHub: Musashi-Mahito<>

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