oox/inc/oox/ole/vbacontrol.hxx  |    9 -
 oox/inc/oox/ole/vbamodule.hxx   |   10 -
 oox/source/ole/axcontrol.cxx    |    2 
 oox/source/ole/vbacontrol.cxx   |  308 +++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 oox/source/ole/vbamodule.cxx    |    9 -
 oox/source/ole/vbaproject.cxx   |    5 
 sc/source/ui/unoobj/addruno.cxx |   12 -
 vcl/inc/vcl/tabctrl.hxx         |    1 
 vcl/source/control/group.cxx    |    1 
 vcl/source/control/tabctrl.cxx  |   16 --
 10 files changed, 158 insertions(+), 215 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit a6c18caef16b9eb0742c2a2cbb724e66bb31c3c3
Author: Noel Power <noel.po...@suse.com>
Date:   Thu Sep 13 12:49:08 2012 +0100

    targetted container_controls rework.

diff --git a/oox/inc/oox/ole/vbacontrol.hxx b/oox/inc/oox/ole/vbacontrol.hxx
index e3c9421..8c56ac6 100644
--- a/oox/inc/oox/ole/vbacontrol.hxx
+++ b/oox/inc/oox/ole/vbacontrol.hxx
@@ -158,7 +158,13 @@ private:
     /** Imports the site models of all embedded controls from the 'f' stream. 
     bool                importEmbeddedSiteModels( BinaryInputStream& rInStrm );
     /*  Final processing of all embedded controls after import. */
-    void                finalizeEmbeddedControls( StorageBase& rStrg );
+    void                finalizeEmbeddedControls();
+    /** Moves the control relative to its current position by the passed 
distance. */
+    void                moveRelative( const AxPairData& rDistance );
+    /** Moves all embedded controls from their relative position in this
+        control to an absolute position in the parent of this control. */
+    void                moveEmbeddedToAbsoluteParent();
     /** Functor for comparing controls by their tab index. */
     static bool         compareByTabIndex( const VbaFormControlRef& rxLeft, 
const VbaFormControlRef& rxRight );
@@ -186,7 +192,6 @@ public:
     /** Imports the form and its embedded controls, and inserts the form with
         all its controls into the passed dialog library. */
     void                importForm(
-                           const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< 
::com::sun::star::frame::XModel >& rxDocModel,
                            const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< 
::com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer >& rxDialogLib,
                            StorageBase& rVbaFormStrg,
                            const ::rtl::OUString& rModuleName,
diff --git a/oox/inc/oox/ole/vbamodule.hxx b/oox/inc/oox/ole/vbamodule.hxx
index 14195d9..65cd41a 100644
--- a/oox/inc/oox/ole/vbamodule.hxx
+++ b/oox/inc/oox/ole/vbamodule.hxx
@@ -67,21 +67,17 @@ public:
     void                createAndImportModule(
                             StorageBase& rVbaStrg,
                             const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< 
::com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer >& rxBasicLib,
-                            const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< 
::com::sun::star::container::XNameAccess >& rxDocObjectNA,
-                            const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< 
::com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer >& rxOleNameOverrides ) const;
+                            const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< 
::com::sun::star::container::XNameAccess >& rxDocObjectNA ) const;
     /** Creates an empty Basic module in the passed Basic library. */
     void                createEmptyModule(
                             const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< 
::com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer >& rxBasicLib,
                             const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< 
::com::sun::star::container::XNameAccess >& rxDocObjectNA ) const;
-    /** Reads and returns the VBA source code from the passed storage. */
-    ::rtl::OUString     readSourceCode(
-                            StorageBase& rVbaStrg,
-                            const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< 
::com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer >& rxOleNameOverrides ) const;
     void extractOleOverrideFromAttr( const rtl::OUString& rAttribute,
                                      const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< 
::com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer >& rxOleNameOverrides ) const;
+    /** Reads and returns the VBA source code from the passed storage. */
+    ::rtl::OUString     readSourceCode( StorageBase& rVbaStrg ) const;
     /** Creates a new Basic module and inserts it into the passed Basic 
library. */
     void                createModule(
diff --git a/oox/source/ole/axcontrol.cxx b/oox/source/ole/axcontrol.cxx
index 3ec46c8..0190f7f 100644
--- a/oox/source/ole/axcontrol.cxx
+++ b/oox/source/ole/axcontrol.cxx
@@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ OUString ControlModelBase::getServiceName() const
"com.sun.star.form.component.SpinButton" );
"com.sun.star.form.component.ScrollBar" );
"com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlProgressBarModel" );
-        case API_CONTROL_FRAME:         return CREATE_OUSTRING( 
"com.sun.star.awt.UnoFrameModel" );
+        case API_CONTROL_GROUPBOX:      return CREATE_OUSTRING( 
"com.sun.star.form.component.GroupBox" );
         case API_CONTROL_PAGE:          return CREATE_OUSTRING( 
"com.sun.star.awt.UnoPageModel" );
"com.sun.star.awt.UnoMultiPageModel" );
         case API_CONTROL_DIALOG:        return CREATE_OUSTRING( 
"com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogModel" );
diff --git a/oox/source/ole/vbacontrol.cxx b/oox/source/ole/vbacontrol.cxx
index 903874a..8f68491 100644
--- a/oox/source/ole/vbacontrol.cxx
+++ b/oox/source/ole/vbacontrol.cxx
@@ -216,6 +216,12 @@ bool VbaSiteModel::importBinaryModel( BinaryInputStream& 
rInStrm )
     return aReader.finalizeImport();
+void VbaSiteModel::moveRelative( const AxPairData& rDistance )
+    maPos.first += rDistance.first;
+    maPos.second += rDistance.second;
 bool VbaSiteModel::isContainer() const
     return !getFlag( mnFlags, VBA_SITE_OSTREAM );
@@ -260,10 +266,10 @@ ControlModelRef VbaSiteModel::createControlModel( const 
AxClassTable& rClassTabl
             case VBA_SITE_COMBOBOX:         xCtrlModel.reset( new 
AxComboBoxModel );        break;
             case VBA_SITE_SPINBUTTON:       xCtrlModel.reset( new 
AxSpinButtonModel );      break;
             case VBA_SITE_SCROLLBAR:        xCtrlModel.reset( new 
AxScrollBarModel );       break;
-            case VBA_SITE_TABSTRIP:         xCtrlModel.reset( new 
AxTabStripModel );        break;
+            case VBA_SITE_TABSTRIP:                                            
             case VBA_SITE_FRAME:            xCtrlModel.reset( new AxFrameModel 
);           break;
-            case VBA_SITE_MULTIPAGE:        xCtrlModel.reset( new 
AxMultiPageModel );       break;
-            case VBA_SITE_FORM:             xCtrlModel.reset( new 
AxFormPageModel );        break;
+            case VBA_SITE_MULTIPAGE:                                           
+            case VBA_SITE_FORM:                                                
             default:    OSL_FAIL( "VbaSiteModel::createControlModel - unknown 
type index" );
@@ -428,9 +434,11 @@ void VbaFormControl::importStorage( StorageBase& rStrg, 
const AxClassTable& rCla
             maControls.forEachMem( &VbaFormControl::importModelOrStorage,
                 ::boost::ref( aOStrm ), ::boost::ref( rStrg ), ::boost::cref( 
maClassTable ) );
-            /** Final processing on the control and all embedded controls,
-                depending on the type of this control. */
-            finalizeEmbeddedControls( rStrg );
+            /*  Reorder the controls (sorts all option buttons of an option
+                group together), and move all children of all embedded frames
+                (group boxes) to this control (UNO group boxes cannot contain
+                other controls). */
+            finalizeEmbeddedControls();
@@ -537,182 +545,138 @@ bool VbaFormControl::importEmbeddedSiteModels( 
BinaryInputStream& rInStrm )
     return bValid;
-void VbaFormControl::finalizeEmbeddedControls( StorageBase& rStrg )
-    /*  Store all embedded controls in a temporary vector, so "exit on error"
-        will leave this control empty. */
-    VbaFormControlVector aControls;
-    aControls.swap( maControls );
-    /*  If this is a multipage control, it stores additional data in the 'x'
-        stream of its storage. It contains the control identifiers of the form
-        page controls that contain the embedded controls of each page.
-        Additionally, the order of these pages is stored there (they are not
-        nessecarily in the order they are persisted in). */
-    if( AxMultiPageModel* pMultiPageModel = dynamic_cast< AxMultiPageModel* >( 
mxCtrlModel.get() ) )
+void VbaFormControl::finalizeEmbeddedControls()
+    /*  This function performs two tasks:
+        1)  Reorder the controls appropriately (sort all option buttons of an
+            option group together to make grouping work).
+        2)  Move all children of all embedded frames (group boxes) to this
+            control (UNO group boxes cannot contain other controls).
+     */
+    // first, sort all controls by original tab index
+    ::std::sort( maControls.begin(), maControls.end(), &compareByTabIndex );
+    /*  Collect the programmatical names of all embedded controls (needed to be
+        able to set unused names to new dummy controls created below). Also
+        collect the names of all children of embedded frames (group boxes).
+        Luckily, names of controls must be unique in the entire form, not just
+        in the current container. */
+    VbaControlNamesSet aControlNames;
+    VbaControlNameInserter aInserter( aControlNames );
+    maControls.forEach( aInserter );
+    for( VbaFormControlVector::iterator aIt = maControls.begin(), aEnd = 
maControls.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
+        if( (*aIt)->mxCtrlModel.get() && 
((*aIt)->mxCtrlModel->getControlType() == API_CONTROL_GROUPBOX) )
+            (*aIt)->maControls.forEach( aInserter );
+    /*  Reprocess the sorted list and collect all option button controls that
+        are part of the same option group (determined by group name). All
+        controls will be stored in a vector of vectors, that collects every
+        option button group in one vector element, and other controls between
+        these option groups (or leading or trailing controls) in other vector
+        elements. If an option button group follows another group, a dummy
+        separator control has to be inserted. */
+    typedef RefVector< VbaFormControlVector > VbaFormControlVectorVector;
+    VbaFormControlVectorVector aControlGroups;
+    typedef RefMap< OUString, VbaFormControlVector > VbaFormControlVectorMap;
+    VbaFormControlVectorMap aOptionGroups;
+    typedef VbaFormControlVectorMap::mapped_type VbaFormControlVectorRef;
+    bool bLastWasOptionButton = false;
+    for( VbaFormControlVector::iterator aIt = maControls.begin(), aEnd = 
maControls.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
-        // read additional attributes from the 'x' stream
-        BinaryXInputStream aXStrm( rStrg.openInputStream( CREATE_OUSTRING( "x" 
) ), true );
-        OSL_ENSURE( !aXStrm.isEof(), "VbaFormControl::finalizeEmbeddedControls 
- missing 'x' stream" );
-        if( aXStrm.isEof() ) return;
+        VbaFormControlRef xControl = *aIt;
+        const ControlModelBase* pCtrlModel = xControl->mxCtrlModel.get();
-        // skip the page property structures related to all controls
-        for( size_t nSiteIdx = 0, nSiteCount = aControls.size(); nSiteIdx < 
nSiteCount; ++nSiteIdx )
-        {
-            AxBinaryPropertyReader aReader( aXStrm );
-            aReader.skipUndefinedProperty();
-            aReader.skipIntProperty< sal_uInt32 >(); // transition effect
-            aReader.skipIntProperty< sal_uInt32 >(); // transition period
-            if( !aReader.finalizeImport() ) return;
-        }
-        // read the multipage property structure containing a list of page IDs
-        sal_Int32 nPageCount = 0;
-        sal_Int32 nTabStripId = 0;
-        AxBinaryPropertyReader aReader( aXStrm );
-        aReader.skipUndefinedProperty();
-        aReader.readIntProperty< sal_Int32 >( nPageCount );
-        aReader.readIntProperty< sal_Int32 >( nTabStripId );
-        if( !aReader.finalizeImport() ) return;
-        // read the array containing all page identifiers in current order
-        typedef ::std::vector< sal_Int32 > AxPageIdVector;
-        AxPageIdVector aPageIds;
-        for( sal_Int32 nPage = 0; !aXStrm.isEof() && (nPage < nPageCount); 
++nPage )
-            aPageIds.push_back( aXStrm.readInt32() );
-        if( aXStrm.isEof() ) return;
-        // check the page count value
-        bool bValidPageCount = (0 < nPageCount) && (static_cast< size_t >( 
nPageCount + 1 ) == aControls.size());
-        OSL_ENSURE( bValidPageCount, "VbaFormControl::finalizeEmbeddedControls 
- invalid number of pages" );
-        if( !bValidPageCount ) return;
-        /*  Check that this multipage contains the expected controls:
-            - a tabstrip control, specified by nTabStripId,
-            - form page controls (containing the embedded controls of each 
page). */
-        // the controls may be in arbitrary order, first map them by ID
-        RefMap< sal_Int32, VbaFormControl > aControlsById;
-        for( VbaFormControlVector::iterator aIt = aControls.begin(), aEnd = 
aControls.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
-        {
-            VbaFormControlRef xControl = *aIt;
-            sal_Int32 nId = xControl->getControlId();
-            OSL_ENSURE( (nId > 0) && !aControlsById.has( nId ), 
"VbaFormControl::finalizeEmbeddedControls - invalid control ID" );
-            aControlsById[ nId ] = xControl;
-        }
-        // store tabstrip in the multipage, it will care about property 
-        AxTabStripModelRef xTabStripModel;
-        VbaFormControlRef xControl = aControlsById.get( nTabStripId );
-        if( xControl.get() )
-            xTabStripModel = ::boost::dynamic_pointer_cast< AxTabStripModel >( 
xControl->mxCtrlModel );
-        OSL_ENSURE( xTabStripModel.get(), 
"VbaFormControl::finalizeEmbeddedControls - missing tabstrip control" );
-        if( !xTabStripModel ) return;
-        pMultiPageModel->setTabStripModel( xTabStripModel );
-        aControlsById.erase( nTabStripId );
-        // store all pages in maControls in the correct order specified by 
-        sal_Int32 nTabIndex = 0;
-        for( AxPageIdVector::iterator aIt = aPageIds.begin(), aEnd = 
aPageIds.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt, ++nTabIndex )
+        if( const AxOptionButtonModel* pOptButtonModel = dynamic_cast< const 
AxOptionButtonModel* >( pCtrlModel ) )
-            VbaFormControlRef rControl = aControlsById.get( *aIt );
-            AxFormPageModel* pFormPageModel = rControl.get() ? dynamic_cast< 
AxFormPageModel* >( rControl->mxCtrlModel.get() ) : 0;
-            OSL_ENSURE( pFormPageModel, 
"VbaFormControl::finalizeEmbeddedControls - missing formpage control" );
-            // do not exit on error but try to collect as much pages as 
-            if( pFormPageModel )
+            // check if a new option group needs to be created
+            const OUString& rGroupName = pOptButtonModel->getGroupName();
+            VbaFormControlVectorRef& rxOptionGroup = aOptionGroups[ rGroupName 
+            if( !rxOptionGroup )
-                // get the tab caption from tabstrip control and set it at the 
-                OUString aCaption = xTabStripModel->getCaption( nTabIndex );
-                pFormPageModel->importProperty( XML_Caption, aCaption );
-                // store the control in maControls
-                maControls.push_back( rControl );
-                aControlsById.erase( *aIt );
+                /*  If last control was an option button too, we have two
+                    option groups following each other, so a dummy separator
+                    control is needed. */
+                if( bLastWasOptionButton )
+                {
+                    VbaFormControlVectorRef xDummyGroup( new 
VbaFormControlVector );
+                    aControlGroups.push_back( xDummyGroup );
+                    OUString aName = aControlNames.generateDummyName();
+                    VbaFormControlRef xDummyControl( new VbaDummyFormControl( 
aName ) );
+                    xDummyGroup->push_back( xDummyControl );
+                }
+                rxOptionGroup.reset( new VbaFormControlVector );
+                aControlGroups.push_back( rxOptionGroup );
+            /*  Append the option button to the control group (which is now
+                referred by the vector aControlGroups and by the map
+                aOptionGroups). */
+            rxOptionGroup->push_back( xControl );
+            bLastWasOptionButton = true;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /*  Reorder the controls appropriately (sort all option buttons of an
-            option group together to make grouping work), and erase all plain
-            tabstrip controls (currently not supported in UNO dialogs). */
-        // first, sort all controls by original tab index
-        ::std::sort( aControls.begin(), aControls.end(), &compareByTabIndex );
-        /*  Collect the programmatical names of all embedded controls (needed 
to be
-            able to set unused names to new dummy controls created below). */
-        VbaControlNamesSet aControlNames;
-        VbaControlNameInserter aInserter( aControlNames );
-        aControls.forEach( aInserter );
-        /*  Reprocess the sorted list and collect all option button controls 
-            are part of the same option group (determined by group name). All
-            controls will be stored in a vector of vectors, that collects every
-            option button group in one vector element, and other controls 
-            these option groups (or leading or trailing controls) in other 
-            elements. If an option button group follows another group, a dummy
-            separator control has to be inserted. */
-        typedef RefVector< VbaFormControlVector > VbaFormControlVectorVector;
-        VbaFormControlVectorVector aControlGroups;
-        typedef RefMap< OUString, VbaFormControlVector > 
-        VbaFormControlVectorMap aOptionGroups;
-        typedef VbaFormControlVectorMap::mapped_type VbaFormControlVectorRef;
-        bool bLastWasOptionButton = false;
-        for( VbaFormControlVector::iterator aIt = aControls.begin(), aEnd = 
aControls.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
+        else
-            VbaFormControlRef xControl = *aIt;
-            const ControlModelBase* pCtrlModel = xControl->mxCtrlModel.get();
-            if ( !pCtrlModel ) // skip unsupported controls
-                continue;
-            if( const AxOptionButtonModel* pOptButtonModel = dynamic_cast< 
const AxOptionButtonModel* >( pCtrlModel ) )
+            // open a new control group, if the last group is an option group
+            if( bLastWasOptionButton || aControlGroups.empty() )
-                // check if a new option group needs to be created
-                const OUString& rGroupName = pOptButtonModel->getGroupName();
-                VbaFormControlVectorRef& rxOptionGroup = aOptionGroups[ 
rGroupName ];
-                if( !rxOptionGroup )
-                {
-                    /*  If last control was an option button too, we have two
-                        option groups following each other, so a dummy 
-                        control is needed. */
-                    if( bLastWasOptionButton )
-                    {
-                        VbaFormControlVectorRef xDummyGroup( new 
VbaFormControlVector );
-                        aControlGroups.push_back( xDummyGroup );
-                        OUString aName = aControlNames.generateDummyName();
-                        VbaFormControlRef xDummyControl( new 
VbaDummyFormControl( aName ) );
-                        xDummyGroup->push_back( xDummyControl );
-                    }
-                    rxOptionGroup.reset( new VbaFormControlVector );
-                    aControlGroups.push_back( rxOptionGroup );
-                }
-                /*  Append the option button to the control group (which is now
-                    referred by the vector aControlGroups and by the map
-                    aOptionGroups). */
-                rxOptionGroup->push_back( xControl );
-                bLastWasOptionButton = true;
+                VbaFormControlVectorRef xControlGroup( new 
VbaFormControlVector );
+                aControlGroups.push_back( xControlGroup );
-            else
+            // append the control to the last control group
+            VbaFormControlVector& rLastGroup = *aControlGroups.back();
+            rLastGroup.push_back( xControl );
+            bLastWasOptionButton = false;
+            // if control is a group box, move all its children to this control
+            if( pCtrlModel && (pCtrlModel->getControlType() == 
-                // skip unsupported controls (tabstrips and page controls)
-                ApiControlType eCtrlType = pCtrlModel->getControlType();
-                if( (eCtrlType != API_CONTROL_TABSTRIP) && (eCtrlType != 
-                {
-                    // open a new control group, if the last group is an 
option group
-                    if( bLastWasOptionButton || aControlGroups.empty() )
-                    {
-                        VbaFormControlVectorRef xControlGroup( new 
VbaFormControlVector );
-                        aControlGroups.push_back( xControlGroup );
-                    }
-                    // append the control to the last control group
-                    VbaFormControlVector& rLastGroup = *aControlGroups.back();
-                    rLastGroup.push_back( xControl );
-                    bLastWasOptionButton = false;
-                }
+                /*  Move all embedded controls of the group box relative to the
+                    position of the group box. */
+                xControl->moveEmbeddedToAbsoluteParent();
+                /*  Insert all children of the group box into the last control
+                    group (following the group box). */
+                rLastGroup.insert( rLastGroup.end(), 
xControl->maControls.begin(), xControl->maControls.end() );
+                xControl->maControls.clear();
+                // check if last control of the group box is an option button
+                bLastWasOptionButton = dynamic_cast< const 
AxOptionButtonModel* >( rLastGroup.back()->mxCtrlModel.get() ) != 0;
+    }
+    // flatten the vector of vectors of form controls to a single vector
+    maControls.clear();
+    for( VbaFormControlVectorVector::iterator aIt = aControlGroups.begin(), 
aEnd = aControlGroups.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
+        maControls.insert( maControls.end(), (*aIt)->begin(), (*aIt)->end() );
+void VbaFormControl::moveRelative( const AxPairData& rDistance )
+    if( mxSiteModel.get() )
+        mxSiteModel->moveRelative( rDistance );
+void VbaFormControl::moveEmbeddedToAbsoluteParent()
+    if( mxSiteModel.get() && !maControls.empty() )
+    {
+        // distance to move is equal to position of this control in its parent
+        AxPairData aDistance = mxSiteModel->getPosition();
+        /*  For group boxes: add half of the font height to Y position (VBA
+            positions relative to frame border line, not to 'top' of frame). */
+        const AxFontDataModel* pFontModel = dynamic_cast< const 
AxFontDataModel* >( mxCtrlModel.get() );
+        if( pFontModel && (pFontModel->getControlType() == 
+        {
+            // convert points to 1/100 mm (1 pt = 1/72 inch = 2.54/72 cm = 
2540/72 1/100 mm)
+            sal_Int32 nFontHeight = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( 
pFontModel->getFontHeight() * 2540 / 72 );
+            aDistance.second += nFontHeight / 2;
+        }
-        // flatten the vector of vectors of form controls to a single vector
-        for( VbaFormControlVectorVector::iterator aIt = 
aControlGroups.begin(), aEnd = aControlGroups.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
-            maControls.insert( maControls.end(), (*aIt)->begin(), 
(*aIt)->end() );
+        // move the embedded controls
+        maControls.forEachMem( &VbaFormControl::moveRelative, ::boost::cref( 
aDistance ) );
@@ -790,9 +754,7 @@ VbaUserForm::VbaUserForm( const Reference< 
XComponentContext >& rxContext,
     OSL_ENSURE( mxDocModel.is(), "VbaUserForm::VbaUserForm - missing document 
model" );
-void VbaUserForm::importForm(
-                           const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< 
::com::sun::star::frame::XModel >& rxDocModel,
-                           const Reference< XNameContainer >& rxDialogLib,
+void VbaUserForm::importForm( const Reference< XNameContainer >& rxDialogLib,
                            StorageBase& rVbaFormStrg, const OUString& 
rModuleName, rtl_TextEncoding eTextEnc )
     OSL_ENSURE( rxDialogLib.is(), "VbaUserForm::importForm - missing dialog 
library" );
@@ -862,7 +824,7 @@ void VbaUserForm::importForm(
         if( convertProperties( xDialogModel, maConverter, 0 ) )
             // export the dialog to XML and insert it into the dialog library
-            Reference< XInputStreamProvider > xDialogSource( 
::xmlscript::exportDialogModel( xDialogNC, mxContext, rxDocModel ), 
+            Reference< XInputStreamProvider > xDialogSource( 
::xmlscript::exportDialogModel( xDialogNC, mxContext, mxDocModel ), 
             OSL_ENSURE( !rxDialogLib->hasByName( aFormName ), 
"VbaUserForm::importForm - multiple dialogs with equal name" );
             ContainerHelper::insertByName( rxDialogLib, aFormName, Any( 
xDialogSource ) );
diff --git a/oox/source/ole/vbamodule.cxx b/oox/source/ole/vbamodule.cxx
index d4d5161..0766f97 100644
--- a/oox/source/ole/vbamodule.cxx
+++ b/oox/source/ole/vbamodule.cxx
@@ -201,10 +201,9 @@ void VbaModule::importDirRecords( BinaryInputStream& 
rDirStrm )
 void VbaModule::createAndImportModule( StorageBase& rVbaStrg,
                                        const Reference< 
container::XNameContainer >& rxBasicLib,
-                                       const Reference< container::XNameAccess 
>& rxDocObjectNA,
-                                       const Reference< 
container::XNameContainer >& rxOleNameOverrides ) const
+                                       const Reference< container::XNameAccess 
>& rxDocObjectNA ) const
-    OUString aVBASourceCode = readSourceCode( rVbaStrg, rxOleNameOverrides );
+    OUString aVBASourceCode = readSourceCode( rVbaStrg );
     createModule( aVBASourceCode, rxBasicLib, rxDocObjectNA );
@@ -214,7 +213,7 @@ void VbaModule::createEmptyModule( const Reference< 
container::XNameContainer >&
     createModule( OUString(), rxBasicLib, rxDocObjectNA );
-OUString VbaModule::readSourceCode( StorageBase& rVbaStrg, const Reference< 
container::XNameContainer >& rxOleNameOverrides ) const
+OUString VbaModule::readSourceCode( StorageBase& rVbaStrg ) const
     OUStringBuffer aSourceCode;
     const static rtl::OUString sUnmatchedRemovedTag( 
RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Rem removed unmatched Sub/End: " ) );
@@ -275,8 +274,6 @@ OUString VbaModule::readSourceCode( StorageBase& rVbaStrg, 
const Reference< cont
-                    else
-                        extractOleOverrideFromAttr( aCodeLine, 
rxOleNameOverrides );
diff --git a/oox/source/ole/vbaproject.cxx b/oox/source/ole/vbaproject.cxx
index 364fbf6..59eb891 100644
--- a/oox/source/ole/vbaproject.cxx
+++ b/oox/source/ole/vbaproject.cxx
@@ -455,10 +455,11 @@ void VbaProject::importVba( StorageBase& rVbaPrjStrg, 
const GraphicHelper& rGrap
         if( xBasicLib.is() )
+            // #TODO cater for mxOleOverridesSink, like I used to before
             // call Basic source code import for each module, boost::[c]ref 
enforces pass-by-ref
             aModules.forEachMem( &VbaModule::createAndImportModule,
                 ::boost::ref( *xVbaStrg ), ::boost::cref( xBasicLib ),
-                ::boost::cref( xDocObjectNA ), ::boost::cref( 
mxOleOverridesSink ) );
+                ::boost::cref( xDocObjectNA ) );
             // create empty dummy modules
             aDummyModules.forEachMem( &VbaModule::createEmptyModule,
@@ -494,7 +495,7 @@ void VbaProject::importVba( StorageBase& rVbaPrjStrg, const 
GraphicHelper& rGrap
                 // create and import the form
                 Reference< XNameContainer > xDialogLib( createDialogLibrary(), 
                 VbaUserForm aForm( mxContext, mxDocModel, rGraphicHelper, 
bDefaultColorBgr );
-                aForm.importForm( mxDocModel, xDialogLib, *xSubStrg, 
aModuleName, eTextEnc );
+                aForm.importForm( xDialogLib, *xSubStrg, aModuleName, eTextEnc 
             catch(const Exception& )
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/unoobj/addruno.cxx b/sc/source/ui/unoobj/addruno.cxx
index 39a9956..59ca817 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/unoobj/addruno.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/unoobj/addruno.cxx
@@ -192,8 +192,8 @@ void SAL_CALL ScAddressConversionObj::setPropertyValue( 
const rtl::OUString& aPr
     else if ( aNameStr.EqualsAscii( SC_UNONAME_PERSREPR ) || 
aNameStr.EqualsAscii( SC_UNONAME_XLA1REPR ) )
-        ::formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention aConv = 
aNameStr.EqualsAscii( SC_UNONAME_PERSREPR ) ?
-            ::formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO : 
+        ::formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention eConv = 
aNameStr.EqualsAscii( SC_UNONAME_XLA1REPR ) ?
+            ::formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_XL_A1 : 
         //  parse the file format string
         rtl::OUString sRepresentation;
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ void SAL_CALL ScAddressConversionObj::setPropertyValue( 
const rtl::OUString& aPr
             //  parse the rest like a UI string
-            bSuccess = ParseUIString( aUIString, aConv );
+            bSuccess = ParseUIString( aUIString, eConv );
@@ -270,8 +270,8 @@ uno::Any SAL_CALL ScAddressConversionObj::getPropertyValue( 
const rtl::OUString&
     else if ( aNameStr.EqualsAscii( SC_UNONAME_PERSREPR ) || 
aNameStr.EqualsAscii( SC_UNONAME_XLA1REPR ) )
-        ::formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention eConv = 
aNameStr.EqualsAscii( SC_UNONAME_PERSREPR ) ?
-            ::formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO : 
+        ::formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention eConv = 
aNameStr.EqualsAscii( SC_UNONAME_XLA1REPR ) ?
+            ::formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_XL_A1 : 
         //  generate file format string - always include sheet
         String aFormatStr;
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ uno::Any SAL_CALL ScAddressConversionObj::getPropertyValue( 
const rtl::OUString&
             sal_uInt16 nFlags = SCA_VALID;
             if( eConv != ::formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_XL_A1 )
                 nFlags |= SCA_TAB_3D;
-            aRange.aEnd.Format( aSecond, SCA_VALID | SCA_TAB_3D, pDoc, eConv );
+            aRange.aEnd.Format( aSecond, nFlags, pDoc, eConv );
             aFormatStr.Append( aSecond );
         aRet <<= rtl::OUString( aFormatStr );
diff --git a/vcl/inc/vcl/tabctrl.hxx b/vcl/inc/vcl/tabctrl.hxx
index 954f108..599a165 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/vcl/tabctrl.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/vcl/tabctrl.hxx
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ private:
     using Window::ImplInit;
     SAL_DLLPRIVATE void         ImplInit( Window* pParent, WinBits nStyle );
-    SAL_DLLPRIVATE WinBits      ImplInitStyle( WinBits nStyle );
     SAL_DLLPRIVATE void         ImplLoadRes( const ResId& rResId );
     virtual void                FillLayoutData() const;
diff --git a/vcl/source/control/group.cxx b/vcl/source/control/group.cxx
index 3f90418..d0de40a 100644
--- a/vcl/source/control/group.cxx
+++ b/vcl/source/control/group.cxx
@@ -133,7 +133,6 @@ GroupBox::GroupBox( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId ) :
 void GroupBox::ImplDraw( OutputDevice* pDev, sal_uLong nDrawFlags,
                          const Point& rPos, const Size& rSize, bool bLayout )
-        OSL_TRACE("GroupBox::ImplDraw Y %d, X %d", rPos.Y(), rPos.X() );
     long                    nTop;
     long                    nTextOff;
     const StyleSettings&    rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
diff --git a/vcl/source/control/tabctrl.cxx b/vcl/source/control/tabctrl.cxx
index 84d6e37..a1d77ef 100644
--- a/vcl/source/control/tabctrl.cxx
+++ b/vcl/source/control/tabctrl.cxx
@@ -158,18 +158,6 @@ const Color& TabControl::GetCanonicalTextColor( const 
StyleSettings& _rStyle ) c
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-WinBits TabControl::ImplInitStyle( WinBits nStyle )
-    if ( !(nStyle & WB_NOTABSTOP) )
-        nStyle |= WB_TABSTOP;
-    if ( !(nStyle & WB_NOGROUP) )
-        nStyle |= WB_GROUP;
-    return nStyle;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 void TabControl::ImplInitSettings( sal_Bool bFont,
                                    sal_Bool bForeground, sal_Bool bBackground )
@@ -1482,10 +1470,6 @@ void TabControl::StateChanged( StateChangedType nType )
         ImplInitSettings( sal_False, sal_False, sal_True );
-    else if ( nType == STATE_CHANGE_STYLE )
-    {
-        SetStyle( ImplInitStyle( GetStyle() ) );
-    }
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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