>       So there is that xdg-open wrapper which we try to use for sending
> E-mail / opening composers or opening URLs - at least when we can
> find
> it etc.

almost what i had in mind. yet missing:

* separate action types (eg for differenciating between view and edit)
* application-specific settings (eg when mail client should call
  different helpers than lo)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards 

Enrico Weigelt 
VNC - Virtual Network Consult GmbH 
Head Of Development 

Pariser Platz 4a, D-10117 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (30) 3464615-20
Fax: +49 (30) 3464615-59

enrico.weig...@vnc.biz; www.vnc.de 
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