hi Neeraj,

On 03/01/13 16:54, Rai, Neeraj wrote:

> Based on above text, I looked at addIns but it doesn't seem like what I
> need.  I don't want to be restricted to a function call. I need a
> component running in scalc.
> _http://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/DevGuide/Spreadsheets/Spreadsheet_Add-Ins_
> Can someone please advise what is the "fastest code as a C++ UNO
> component " mean and where can I find more docs related to it.

C++ UNO components that are instantiated in-process currently do not go
through a bridge when interacting with the LO API (although there have
been varying opinions about changing that, since it makes maintaining
backward compatibility more difficult): for such components, calling a
LO API method (or being called from LO itself) is just a C++ virtual
function call.

the best documented way to get this performance benefit is to implement
your client code as an extension.


there may also be a way to get there with less efforts, there are some
variables to add additional service rdbs to the soffice process
(URE_MORE_SERVICES/URE_MORE_TYPES) but i don't have any experience with
them; probably there is some way to implement what you want to do as a
service and then start it from inside soffice, if all else fails via a
trivial BASIC macro :)

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