On 10/01/13 14:01, Lubos Lunak wrote:
>  Hello,
>  as far as I understand it, the current problem with 
> W2008R2_20-With-Symbol-Bytemark-Hosting [*] , is caused by needing 
> specifically *80 msvc dlls for WITH_MOZAB4WIN (grep under scp2 for the 
> only 'msvcp' there). Does somebody have any idea why it's specifically this 
> version and if it's really needed this way? It dates back to 2009, so repo 
> history is as usually useless.

AFAIK the Mozilla stuff (moz/) does not build with MSVC 2008, only with
MSVC2005; that's why it has the unique distinction of allowing a binary
zip file containing all mozilla libraries to be used instead of building
it (--disable-build-mozilla); actually i've never built moz on windows
so i don't even know what you would need.

since it's built with MSVC 2005 and every release of MSVC brings a new
incompatible version of msvcrt libraries, the installer wants to bundles
these ones if you don't disable mozilla completely:

> [*]
> ERROR: The following files could not be found: 
> ERROR: File not found: Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest
> ERROR: File not found: msvcp80.dll
> ERROR: File not found: msvcr80.dll

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