On 12/02/13 16:31, Rai, Neeraj wrote:
> Hi Stephan,
> Is there any example of using uno calls from the forms bundled with LO ?
> I am not very familiar with the Reference <> and googling uno::Reference is 
> not helping me either.
> I also couldn't find usage in sdk dir and examples dir. Would it be possible 
> to point out a dir/file or a web link.

please read this chapter:


and especially:


> I  also wanted to understand the lifetime of uno objects .
> Does the CalcAddimThr_impl object live for the life of open doc ?
> I tried to keep my object without reference counting as there is only one 
> instance of it and I am unfamiliar with Reference.
> The runThread was passed the same pointer that I assumed with live for the 
> life of open scalc doc.
> But you seem to be suggesting that some other reference counted object is 
> going out of scope making the pointer dangling.

it is generally unsound to retain a plain C++ pointer to an object after
the first uno::Reference for it has been constructed.  (you may retain a
rtl::Reference however, which is often convenient because it can contain
your implementation class directly and not just some UNO interface).

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