On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 01:34:51PM +0100, Petr Mladek wrote:
> Rene Engelhard píše v Čt 21. 03. 2013 v 11:04 +0100:
>> On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 10:53:42AM +0100, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:

>>>> It turns out that Calc and Base now need 
>>>> /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/registry/writer.xcd present on the system.

>>>> Is this a wanted change or a bug?

>>> Speaking of base, my guess is (but I'd be happy for a tester to
>>> confirm) that one cannot (and never could) create / use any form or
>>> report without Writer installed. So libreoffice-base should at least
>>> recommend libreoffice-writer.

>> Yeah, probably we should do that, will do in Debian.

>>> As to the "does not run at all", for both Base and Calc, ideally it
>>> would be nice to see *which* setting in writed.xcd they need, and
>>> maybe migrate this to a common/base file?

>> Yes. I would not like making -base and -calc making it *depending* on writer
>> hard.

> I think that it is also the other way around. AFAIK, you could not use
> data sources in Writer without Base.

Yes, but data sources are (by far!) not a "core feature" of Writer;
I'd call this a "suggests".

> BTW: I wonder if embeded objects are can be used if you do not have
> installed the related part.

I expect not.

> So, I am afraid that all parts depends on all other parts if you
> want to use some features.

Yes, but in Debian packaging terms, "Depends" means "absolutely
needed, else will not run/work/... at all". If an important feature
needs another package, then "recommends". If it enables an
*additional* feature, then "Suggests", or (the other way round) the
enhancement-bringer declares an "Enhances" on the enhanced package.

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