On 05/31/2013 07:32 AM, Noel Power wrote:
Seems there is only one ( the oox one ) which takes care of namespace ""http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/excel/formula"; Is it possible then that we can have microsoft formula saved in ods ?
Yes. I believe the kind of ODF 1.1 that Excel exports in fact contains Excel's own formula expression syntax with Excel's own namespace. I remember Daniel Rentz was working on supporting its import. Not sure whether he actually finished it or not before the Oracle team disbanded.

But.. the ScParserFactoryMap/Pool stuff seems to provide some extensible way of mapping specific parsers, no idea if this is really needed or not ( I guess Eike/Kohei ) would know.
Eike would, I wouldn't. ;-) I have no clue why it's even there.

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