On 30/09/13 6:49 PM, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
so there is no ready-to-run texture for you, at least not now, and not in the general case. If a slideshow contains animations, naturally even when using opengl, you'd have a number of time-varying textures composited over another.
I was hoping these would all be drawn to a texture or framebuffer before being displayed on the screen

I wonder where the need for textures as such comes from - in the end you want the pixel, no?
The texture or frame buffer is preferred as that means that everything stays on the GPU and won't hinder performance - otherwise I'd need to create a new texture on the GPU, fill it with the pixels and then give a pointer to this texture to syphon. As you mentioned above most of the content is probably composited together on the GPU already which would mean if things were accessed as pixels they would also probably need to be copied from the GPU as well.

The stuff that gets blitted to screen is composited here: canvas/source/vcl/spritecanvashelper.cxx, method SpriteCanvasHelper::updateScreen() - look into maVDev there (but sure, on a Mac, that ends up in a texture eventually before reaching the display - at least the method above gets called exactly when new content arrives, and cobbles the pixel together) HTH, -- Thorsten
Thanks a heap for this - sounds like it is what I need. I'll have a play around during the week and get back to you and the list if I manage to get something working.

Cheers - James
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