On 12/16/2013 06:56 AM, Keith Curtis wrote:
It appears when making changes to individual C++ files that my computer
spends about 90% of the build time running unit tests.

I tried make -sr all to disable them, but it still ran lots:

I tried hacking on the makefile but got lost. Can this shortcut be
re-enabled or is there a new way now? Sometimes, you just want to add a
printf. The build process works great otherwise.

* When you just add a debugging printf to some .cxx file in module foo, you can do "make foo" instead of just "make" to only rebuild module foo, which usually suffices today to get the effect into the instdir installation.

* For debugging purposes, note that there is SAL_DEBUG with added usefulness compared to printf.

* If all else fails, there appears to be "make build-nocheck".

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