On 12/13/2013 07:30 PM, Alex Thurgood wrote:
Have there been recent changes to component or extension registration,
as I'm seeing this in my master build of today,  Linux 64bit :

Python exception: <class 'AttributeError'>: 'module' object has no
attribute 'writeRegistryInfo', traceback follows
   /home/Development/libo/core/instdir/program/pythonloader.py:152 in
function writeRegistryInfo() [return mod.writeRegistryInfo(
self.ctx.ServiceManager, regKey )]

unexpected RuntimeException "<class 'AttributeError'>: 'module' object
has no attribute 'writeRegistryInfo', traceback follows
   /home/Development/libo/core/instdir/program/pythonloader.py:152 in
function writeRegistryInfo() [return mod.writeRegistryInfo(
self.ctx.ServiceManager, regKey )]


When does that output appear? When starting instdir/program/soffice? What is your autogen.input?

I did some modifications on Friday that might have had an impact on this, but cannot reproduce your problem.

warn:configmgr:25045:1:configmgr/source/xcuparser.cxx:173: bad set node
<prop> member in
warn:configmgr:25045:1:configmgr/source/xcuparser.cxx:173: bad set node
<prop> member in

I assume you configured --enable-ext-google-docs? Those are bugs in that extension, which are harmless and ignored, though.

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