Hi Stephan, Hi List,

sorry, I guess I misspoke:
Those examples, which I listed, are rather obvious problems that aren't 
translation related.
So let me rephrase:
        How to call a developer's attention to small pieces of code?
        And especially: may I combine that with translation patches?

I thought "OSL_ENSURE(false, …)" would be "problematic", because firstly there 
is an "OSL_FAIL" definition in "include/osl/diagnose.h", which seems to do 
exactly that.
Secondly, the place I saw this (cui/source/tabpages/numpages.cxx line 2791 ff.) 
encapsulates that statement in an if clause.
Together with the error message ("cannot happen"), it implies that could be 
reduced from…
--- snip ---
    if (SVX_MAX_NUM <= nLvl)
        OSL_ENSURE(false, "cannot happen.");
--- snap ---
… to something like this:
--- snip ---
        OSL_ENSURE_RETURN(!(SVX_MAX_NUM <= nLvl), "cannot happen.");
--- snap ---
(with OSL_ENSURE_RETURN being a OSL_ENSURE including a return statement.)

If OSL_ENSURE is deprecated anyway, I guess this is irrelevant anyway.


On Friday 17 January 2014 12:08:15 Stephan Bergmann wrote:
> [would probably have been better to start a new mail thread]
> On 01/17/2014 11:34 AM, Sven Wehner wrote:
> > When I scroll through the source code, I sometimes see odd code.
> > Things that a real developer should seriously take a look at.
> > Something like one of the multiple "DELETEZ" defines, an "OSL_ENSURE(false, 
> > \"cannot happen.\")", German function names etc.
> Not sure what "a real developer should seriously take a look at" in an
>    OSL_ENSURE(false, "cannot happen.")
> (other than OSL_ENSURE being deprecated).  Those are generally 
> assertions that program logic cannot reach that point (like a default 
> case in a switch statement) unless there is a bug.
> Stephan

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