On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 3:02 AM, Stephan Bergmann <sberg...@redhat.com> wrote:
> two libraries to work with both flavors of LO.  (And, given the assumption
> that Apple will eventually discontinue the support of libstdc++, recommend
> that native extensions---which there are none yet for Mac OS X 64-bit---use
> libc++.)
> Other thoughts?
I defer to your expertise on that...
I know it is very very late in the release cycle for 4.2..  otoh if
the premise of your technical argument are true, the switch should be
'transparent' no?
iow, if we are going to take a risk, why not take it right now rather
than actually _have_ released version for 64 bits with 2 different std
worse case scenario we just do not release the 64 bits version for
4.2... and wait for 4.2.1.

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