Hallo Markus,

Op 10 feb. 2014 00:11 schreef "Markus Mohrhard" <
> Do you by chance run it in Vmware? You are only the third one reporting a
2.1 OpenGL version. Ignoring the base line we are at just yours and
Krunoslav Šebetic's. Actually these two are also the ones that don't
support anti-aliasing which even if we manage to support these old versions
results in ugly output.

No, I'm not running it in VMware. The hardware is almost 7 years old now.
The graphics card itself only supports OpenGL 2.0 (according to Intel; see

Please don't bother supporting it. I'll replace it soon enough. I was just
generally curious whether it'd be realistic to have LO support such old
hardware. :)


[1] http://www.intel.com/support/graphics/sb/CS-033757.htm?wapkw=opengl+2.0
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