On 05/23/2014 10:24 PM, julien2412 wrote:
After lots of changes, there are still Sequence cases + things like:

just to be sure, should it replaced by "cppu::UnoType< type of m_sFilter
> ::get();" ?

As both getCppuType and UnoType operate on the static type, there is at least no technical reason not to replace that. There might be the rare case where the former makes for easier reading and maintenance of the code, but at least in dbaccess/source/core/api/table.cxx, the list is already non-uniform anyway, mixing getCppuType, getBooleanCppuType, UnoType, so I'd just clean it up to consistently use UnoType.

Also, are there special cases to take into account for these?

There should be no gotchas other then the sequence of char vs. unsigned short issue. At least, none come to mind.

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