On Fri, 2014-06-06 at 13:56 +0200, Winfried Donkers wrote:
> Hi Kohei,
> > Good.  Now I have someone real I can ask.
> > Can I ask in what use case this feature is used?  Why does your use
> case require that copying and sorting have to be done in one step,
> rather than in two separate steps?
> Well, we're talking of a company, I don't use it personally. 
> Often a one step action is preferred over a more than one step action.
> (If it were te be removed, I would get a question to write a macro to
> combine the steps to one action (press a toolbar button which invokes
> the macro). That could be a solution for our specific company.)

Ok.  Thanks for your input.  This helps.

> And often the argument is that they were used to do it in a certain
> way with Excel; this argument is _not_ a strong one for me.

Understood.  Although it's equivalent of long-time users of
OOo/LibreOffice insisting that the things should stay the same (so that
they don't have to learn new key strokes, mouse clicks etc).  It's hard
to change one's habits.

In this particular case, Excel doesn't offer similar functionality, so
it mostly concerns long-term Calc users.


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