* Present:
    + Michael S, Christian, Cedric, Stephan, Ptyl, Miklos, Jacobo, Timar,
      Eike, Caolan, Michael M, Bjoern, Muthu, Jan-Marek, Tibby, David,
* Completed Action Items:
    + Developers: please submit fixes for -4-3-0 as well.
    + All mentors, please invite students in good standing to LibOCon!
        [ 3 students said they would come already ]
    + scripting to generate / list last week's UI changes (Cloph)
        [ to arrive on Saturday ]
    + revert partial fillattribute work on the -4-3 branch (Miklos)
        [ one more review appreciated for 4-3-0 ]
    + poke potential Boston Hackfest hosters again (Michael)
        [ perhaps Xamarin will host us ].
    + build a with registry fix (Cloph)
        [ done a build, will push it live when 4.2.6rc1 is pushed ]
    + invite Umesh Kadam to next ESC call (Michael)
* Pending Action Items:
    + ask UX advise wrt. wrench icons (revert or not ?) (Astron)
    + blog about the sad realities of web plugins (Bjoern)
    + submit GL3DChart disable for patch review (Markus)
    + try to add per-process resource limits for crashtest (Markus)
        + eg. bash's builtin ulimit [-SHacdflmnpstuv [limit]] etc.
    + setup some VM's that can be created on-demand (Cloph)
* GSOC Update (Cedric)
    + remind mentors to invite students to the conference,
      TDF will pay for their travel (if they book in a timely way)
          + 4/10 is not a great score.
    + also remember to register for the conference:
* Release Engineering update (Christian)
    + 4.2.6 RC1 being up-loaded to staging
        + will announce shortly.
        + then will push to the mirrors for general public
    + 4.3.0 RC3 - final deadline on Monday for this
        + make sure your patches are pushed & reviewed in time.
    + Android / iOS remotes
        + patch in gerrit for gradle build-system.
        + will investigate that wrt. tools for new android developers
        + requirements (Michael)
            1. reproducible - gradle allows explicit versions unlike
               black magic / mavern. (Cloph)
            2. compliant - need to be able to re-build the same thing
               in future - identically
                  + virtually no external deps (Cloph)
* 2 minute Umesh / Synezip introduction (Umesh)
      + working on interop. of DOCX, working for last 8-10 months.
          + chart / and other areas.
      + working on combinations of shapes import / export
      + also working on regression tests
          + running scripts on random files from bugzilla
          + see if there is any crash / corruption etc.
      + working on crash/corruption issues too
AI:       + can you open-source those and speak on the conference (Umesh)
* Mail Merge (Eilidh,Bjoern,Jan-Marek)
      + Multiple people looking at this (Bjoern)
          + no wonder it is very slow; if you use the std. way of clicking 
through the UI
          + it creates one document, then it merges the 2nd one into that & 
            with each step.
          + huge cost for 10k documents - some N^2.
          + one reason - is to remember the page number to split the document
              + really quite insane.
          + naive approach - use bookmarks to split the documents ...
              + could save the re-layout.
      + Have some examples - 16k -> 20k documents (Jan Marek)
          + the copying of the docs gets slower & slower.
              + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=80823
          + layouting is 3-4% the rest is just copying.
          + in the copying of the underlying document.
      + Primary problem cf. mail (Jan Marek)
          + see 
http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libreoffice/2014-July/062227.html for the 
gory details
          + loading of a document is broken: with paragraph-bound anchors.
          + patches in private/jmux/mailmerge-fixes branch - can create copies.
              + before that, copying from A->B is broken.
              + lots of pending patches; want to finish them and write
                some unit tests from test docs in mail-merge bugs.
          + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=80926
      + Bjoern's callgrind results are different (Bjoern)
          + with an artificial document, perhaps not representative, but
            showed the problem ~all in layout.
      + Something has changed wrt. copying the SwNodes (Jan-Marek)
      + performance is hard to keep good (Michael)
          + be great to have a test we can add to our performance tests
      + working on a branch: private/jmux/mailmerge-fixes
          + should all work on same branch ? (Bjoern)
          + currently doing re-factoring elsewhere (Ellie)
              + breaking down the massive / monolithic mail merge fn.
      + mail-merge is now working correctly (Jan-Marek)
          + problem with anchors
      + looking for free-lancers to do some LibreOffice work with Munich 
          + primary bug fixing Writer
* Asan / Lsan documentation (Stephan)
    + Asan is awesome; helpful documentation is here:
        + <https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/-fsanitize>, for a 
    + code from google, to add instrumentation during compile time
      that can do various things, like "Purify" eg. heap out of bounds,
      accessing stack after return, an undefined detector, and a
      leak-sanitiser [ an area of growing fucntionality ] - work in Clang
      and gcc-4.9
         + tell the compiler - to add instrumentation code; and at run-time when
           bad, it prints an error msg; and tries to keep on or exit.
    + TLDR; valgrind - but fast... (2->4x slower)
    + some minor open issues:
         + JUnit tests using the Java process - using native libraries built by
           us: a process needs to be 100% instrumented or not.
             + locally tell Java to pick up native libs from another build.
         + need to get this fixed before getting a tinderbox building with asan.
    + tried to set up a tinderbox with asan (Cloph)
         + had to build with debugutil
         + doing something wrong (Stephan)
    + Kohei and Markus also using it.
    + depending what sanitisers you want to use, you'll run into different 
      sanitize=address: the minimal one works; then tell by an env. var - to 
      additional check bits.
         + can enable leak checking; started out to get a clean
           asan, undefined-san, and lsan build
            + still not through - keep finding issues.
         + fixed quite a number of leaks on 'make check'
            + still finding lots of undefined issues.
         + want to get the build clean first.
            + then turn it on - currently getting a clean build
         + much like the coverity things; where we had a high noise
           to usefulness ratio - but finds useful things.
* Tinderbox volunteer for using mst's new native win32 make
AI:   + switch windows tinderbox to use it post 4.3 (Cloph)
* Performance & tinderboxes - enabling symbols / debugutil etc.
      + need a volunteer to turn on --enable-symbols but not debugutil
      + Bjoern volunteered for six months.
* Crashtest update (Markus)
AI:     + can we try adding per-process resource limits (Markus)
* Certification Committee (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy)
     + waiting until ~September
* SPAM problems on freedesktop lists (Eike)
     + unsure that spam is greater than previous times
        + seems to come in waves
        + its sometimes for a few days - more spam than others,
          then decreases
     + either drop ability to post without subscribing - or get
       more / new moderators.
     + moving to TDF infra has a problem of dropping attachments (Cloph)
AI:  + Ask for 1-2 more dev-list moderators & re-visit next-week
        + especially useful on vacation
**     Please consider volunteering as a dev list moderator     ***
          + poke Eike / Thorsten.
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + Boston Hackfest:
        + July 26-27th
        + https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Events/2014/US_Summer_Hackfest
            + Tough to line-up mentoring devs
                 + would appreciate developers via Google Hangout etc.
            + QA is happy to recruit programmers for our internal projects,
              but would like to share w/the dev team.
            + poke potential hosters again (Michael)
    + (possible) Seattle
        + Oct 25-27
        + Straw poll: Who could make these dates?
            + prolly better to ping people individually (Michael)
    + may have a Munich hack-fest (Jan-Marek)
        + will have a BSP come-together; if someone says they're coming
          just show up etc.
           + date not yet fixed; but may overlap with Toulouse (sadly)
           + it's the preference for other KDE hackers.
    + Toulouse Hackfest ...
        + Confirmed for Nov. 15-16th
        + more details: 
    + Be great to have -really- easy easy hacks for devs (Bjoern)
* QA (Robinson)
    + Unconfirmed count ?
        + Staying stable at ~950
    + Bibisected regressions still increasing slowly ...
        + help wrt. fixing appreciated.
        + around 100x bibisected bugs vs. all-time 50x
        + people are really doing bibisects - which is great, need to dig ...
    + Regression count - spiking (Michael)
        + pulling people onto 4.2.x just as we freeze / do 4.3.0 is a pain.
        + also 14.04 just arriving from 12.04 - so more bugs than normal 
            + which has 4.2.4 in it.
    + Cloph - happy with the quality based on low ML noise
        + translators have it installed & use it.
* LiMux is getting 5x students in mid. September -> Feb/March (Jan-Marek)
    + who would love help mentoring? - like GSoC for Limux
    + students here for 6x months
AI:     + contact me / the list when they show (Michael)
* UX Update (?)
    + [ no Astron / Mirek ]
    + team positions in the design team, took discussion to
* Most serious bug (Caolan)
    + disable the new colors of formatting marks for Mac if this causes it 
* QA stats:
  + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html
    +198    -119        (+79 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Jorendc             15
        ign_christian        9
        Jay Philips          8
        Cor Nouws            7
        Kevin Suo            6
        Michael Stahl        5
        Samuel M.            5
        Julien Nabet         5
        Maxim Monastirsky    4
        Miklos Vajna         4
        tommy27              4
        David Tardon         3
        Urmas                3
* Open 4.4 MAB
  + 1/2 1/1
  + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=79641&hide_resolved=1
* Open 4.3 MAB
  + 19/43 10/32 6/27 5/24 5/22 3/20 5/16 4/12 2/8 3/7 2/5 1/2 1/2 0/1 0/1
     44%   31%   22%  20%  22%  15%
  + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=75025&hide_resolved=1
* Open 4.2 MAB
  + 81/222 76/215 74/212 74/210 71/207 71/205 73/200 64/190 62/184 49/165
     36%    35%    34%    35%    34%    34%    36%    33%    33%    29%
  + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=65675&hide_resolved=1
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibsected'
  + 84/283 84/280 81/274 79/265 75/259 70/249 59/231 48/215 45/208 46/207
    + http://bit.ly/VQfF3Q
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
    + 404(+23) bugs open of 2818(+39) total
            ~Component   count net *
                Writer - 121 (+9)
           Spreadsheet - 67 (+3)
               Crashes - 30 (+5)
           Libreoffice - 26 (+2)
          Presentation - 25 (+1)
                    UI - 24 (+2)
              Graphics - 23 (+1)
              Database - 20 (+2)
               Borders - 17 (+0)
               Drawing - 15 (+1)
               Filters - 11 (-1)
           Print / PDF - 10 (+0)
                 Chart -  7 (+1)
               Formula -  6 (+1)
            Extensions -  5 (+0)
          Installation -  3 (+0)
            Linguistic -  3 (+0)
             framework -  3 (+0)
                 BASIC -  2 (+0)
             Migration -  1 (+0)
                   sdk -  0 (+0)
        Impress Remote -  0 (+0)
  + http://bit.ly/15mM2Yn - for devs ( no NEEDINFO / UNCONFIRMED )

 michael.me...@collabora.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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