On 02/29/2016 01:10 PM, Yui Hirasawa wrote:
> Sure they might later bring up money. But I don't think we should be the
> ones to do that when the discussion is about freedom and "restrictions".

I didn't suggest that, I merely said that a developer that
philosophically agrees with copyleft might say he doesn't use the GPL
because of monetary concerns. I've seen it happen plenty of times, and
it's one of the biggest obstacles actually, because many developers
recognize all our arguments as valid but still reject them.

We can't call them "greedy" because it's understandable that at least
some of them might need to actually feed themselves and their families.

I've never found a way around this, honestly. Appeals to emotions are
fallacies but we aren't talking about debates here, we're talking about
convincing people to support the GPL, and for many money talks.

That's why I said I hope Snowdrift (a nonprofit crowdfunding initiative)
succeeds - corporations won't fund most GPL code, true, but users
perhaps will (I don't think so, honestly, but I prefer being optimistic).

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