Hi all,

There has been some discussion on debian-project about merchandise
production, mainly t-shirts and clothing[1] and one thing that came up
is the question of collaboration between multiple projects.

Can people from any other communities share comments on how they
produce, store, distribute and account for merchandise like this?

Is anybody aware of opportunities to reduce costs, for example, getting
stickers for some smaller projects made up at the same time that a
larger project or event makes stickers?

Is anybody aware of non-profit-friendly organizations that may be good
to partner with to outsource merchandising?

A few years ago Debian even made up some Swiss army knives[2], I think
there may still be a small number left with debian.ch



1. https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2017/04/msg00053.html
2. https://wiki.debian.org/Merchandise/SwissKnives

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