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On 21/03/18 01:31, Leah Rowe wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> The FSF isn't officially hosting a libreboot workshop at
> libreplanet this year.
> I'm proposing to set up an unofficial workshop at LibrePlanet 2018,
> so that people at the conference can get their libreboot-supported 
> systems flashed. I myself (Leah Rowe, founder of libreboot) will
> not be physically attending, unfortunately, but I do know that
> there are others who would be willing to do this. I've already
> spoken to several people on #libreboot IRC: sensiblemn (Kurt from
> Technoethical) is willing. zyliwax is willing. I'm also CC'ing
> libiquity and technoethical, asking them to take part.
> obviously, any FSF staff e.g. sysadmins who want to take part and
> help out, are more than welcome to. e.g. the staff at FSF who know
> how to flash SPI chips, for libreboot installation
> If anyone else on this list who is attending the conference wishes
> to take part, please reply with your details including what
> equipment you can bring.
> We ideally need at least 2-3 people with SPI flashers. If we can
> get at least a few people to commit to providing flashing services,
> then I'll issue a pull request to get a news post published on
> libreboot.org, announcing the unofficial libreboot installation 
> workshop. The news post will mention the names of all the people
> who will be doing the installations.
> Please confirm via reply on this list, if you're willing to commit
> to this.
> If someone wants their laptop flashed, they find one of those
> people listed in the news post. Although the FSF isn't providing a
> room dedicated to this, there are plenty of benches to sit down on
> at the conference. There's also the speakers lounge, which usually
> has seats available (and power sockets, and chairs, and tables) -
> doesn't matter if you're not a speaker, go into there anyway and
> sit down with the person, and flash their laptop on one of the
> tables in there. Then there's the FSF office, in case the person
> wants to get their laptop flashed there (E.g. a day or so before
> the conference); they have a conference room. if it's empty, you
> could go in there. the FSF has an open door policy
> Kurt is also hosting a technoethical booth at libreplanet. You
> could go there and have this person flash your laptop with
> libreboot. As confirmed on IRC, this person has told me that
> they're bringing their BBB and other equipment.
> If anyone who knows how to use an SPI flasher to flash libreboot 
> (doesn't matter which flasher you use), who is going to the 
> conference, I'd be very grateful if you could offer your services
> to flash libreboot for people there.
> Equipment I can think of at the top of my head.
> 1) Set up the SPI flasher so that it's portable (USB powered, 3v3 
> supplied by the SPI flasher itself, not an external PSU) - SSH
> into the flasher via ethernet cable or USB cable connected to your
> laptop. Portable flashing setup. make sure it works etc. bring
> spare wires just in case. make sure you've got soic-8 and soic-16 -
> to save time, if you can, bring 2 SPI flashers, one with soic-8 one
> with soic-16 (less time messing about re-wiring between different
> laptops)
> see guides on libreboot.org for setting up RPi or BBB. but any SPI 
> flasher will do. if you've got another setup, fine
> make sure you have the entire ROM set from Libreboot 20160907 on
> the flasher, ready to go. Since this conference in in the united
> states, you should probably set up the ones with the US Qwerty
> layout in GRUB. the ROM images in libreboot named *usqwerty*.rom
> NOTE: if it's an X200 you're flashing, make sure to use the 
> workaround-mx patch in flashrom, for macronix chips. otherwise 
> flashing won't work. see: 
> https://notabug.org/consts/libreboot/raw/2caaac00972d9ea56b0fcd7c95897
> ion.patch
> patch is also in libreboot.git. apply that to flashrom src and
> build that. for macronix chip on x200 (only x200. t400 dosen't need
> it) use --workaround-mx option in flashrom. tested on BBB and RPi
> 2) Screwdrivers
> 3) NOTE: optional -> soldering equipment, for X200T/X200S flashing 
> (including hot air gun etc, and soic8 spi chips) -> Kurt from
> technoethical tells me they're bringing soldering stuff with them
> Also the FSF has soldering equipment, which they could possibly
> lend to people doing X200T flashing (X200T/X200S needs soldering to
> flash it, unlike X200).
> 4) thermal paste and thermal paste cleaning material, and wipes etc
> -> for T400 flashing. requires removing the heatsink
> 5) I doubt anyone will have D8/D16 to flash, so tools for flashing 
> DIP8 spi chips probably aren't required. most people wanting to be 
> flashed will have laptops
> -> you could maybe take DIP8 chips with libreboot on them with
> you, just in case, for kcma-d8 and kgpe-d16, then the person just
> puts that in their d8/d16 when they get home. in fact that seems
> more logical to me. also plcc32 lpc chips (1mb) with libreboot, for
> asus kfsn4-dre
> 6) ditto on 5, regarding plcc32 lpc flash (asus kfsn4-dre)
> 5 and 6 are most likely moot/optional though.
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- -- 
Leah Rowe

Libreboot developer and project founder.

Use free software. Free as in freedom.

Use a free BIOS - https://libreboot.org/
Use a free operating system, GNU+Linux.

Support computer user freedom
https://fsf.org/ - https://gnu.org/

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