Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Nicolas Pettiaux dijo:
> > Is there a keysigning party during LibrePlanet ? I have not found any.

As far as I know you are the first to have written here about it.
Last year Jason Self organized several different meetup times for key
signing but as I understand it is not attending this year.

> > Would it be possible to set one up simply even with such a short delay ?

Yes!  It is never too late until afterward.  :-)

I haven't even looked at the schedule yet but last year we met in the
common area in the middle at a few different times in the breaks
between talks.  Doing that again this year seems like would work out
well.  All we would need is to publicize some times to do this.

> > I would with pleasure exchange keys and show my ID to as many people as
> > possible during libreplanet.
> I am bringing several fingerprint slips with me, and expect to grow my
> amount of cross-signing activity. You would expect me to, as I'm
> delivering a talk on Debian's use of the cryptographic keyring! ;-)

I am also bringing my key fingerprint cards and hoping to exchange
signatures with as many people as possible.  It is important to spread
the web of trust across the geography.

> Note however that my personal policy includes not signing keys based
> "just" on checking govt-issued IDs, but on something more "meaningful".

This causes me to have more questions than answers.  Perhaps I should
bring flowers on such a first date? :-)


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