On 12/09/18 19:45, Adrienne G. Thompson wrote:
>> The FSF has a well known name associated with a distinctive philosophy.
>> Whether people agree with that philosophy or not, they usually know what
>> FSF believes in.  That is the power of a brand.
>> When people see the name FSFE, they often believe it is a subsidiary or
>> group working within the FSF.  ...
>> FSFE leadership have sometimes diverged from FSF philosophy
>> FSF people have also produced vast amounts of code (the GNU Project) and
>> some donors appear to be contributing funds to FSFE in gratitude for
>> that or in the belief they are supporting that...
>> In fact, FSFE was set up as a completely independent
>> organization with distinct membership and management and therefore a
>> different president.
> You are right in that the FSF has been far too generous. An organization
> that is completely independent and that diverges from FSF philosophy should
> have not just a different president - but a different name. Your post may
> have outlined a case of infringement. Where an organization accepts money
> knowing that the donor intends that the funds should be for the benefit of
> another - the acceptance and use of that money may be fraud.

Please be careful, if they started out with the right intentions and
drifted apart (organizations do change over time) then it is not a
deliberate fraud.

My email was only written to highlight the current state of play, being
the personal perspective of a concerned FSFE e.V. member (myself) and
the FSFE contributors represented in my capacity as Fellowship
representative.  It is not intended to be an accusation.



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