Hello All!

   I have a last minute question on how to prepare for a meeting tomorrow

   Tuesday 2pm Pacific Standard time. PLEASE RESPOND SOON!

   I work as a biostatistician for a hospital and when I started working

   there I requested a computer with a GNU+Linux OS. My request was

   promptly denied, because IT said they simply do not support Unix.

   But TOMORROW, there will be a meeting with the following objective:

   Discuss request for Providing a GNU+Linux operating system for a

   caregiver that will be using statistical software.

   The Principle IT engineer wrote this email in anticipation of the


   Greetings, I have passed information about this meeting to the manager

   of the Unix Server Operations team in case he wants to get anyone

   involved. I am also very concerned about the management and security

   of such a one off device. Given the network nature of Unix/Linux is

   there any reason that a Linux client server couldn't be provided

   instead with an X Windows Server provided on the Windows laptop to

   connect and utilize software that is installed (and hopefully managed)

   on the server?  While this is overkill for a single user I suspect

   that there are a lot more users in the various informatics departments

   that might welcome such a service. I hope this helps stir up some


   Principle IT Engineer

   My background is in mathematics/statistics, but I am a supporter of

   Free Software because of all the good reasons why Free Software is

   what it is. I do not have any technical background with regard to

   servers, server client, network, etc and so I feel I will struggle

   with explaining why I made this request, why I think this is a good OS

   for serving our patients, and why it would be good for the long run to

   support GNU+Linux OS computers.

   My question for the Libre community is: How do I present my case for

   tomorrow to explain why it is beneficial for IT at this hospital to
   have support

   caregivers that wish to work on a computer with a GNU+Linux OS?

   Please help!

   Thank you!

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