Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 01:31:03 +0100 (BST)
From: "Alan Middleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MARGI - Was: [LIB] Lib list server belly up?

Hi Matt,

Apologies for the tardiness in my reply just knee deep in work at the moment. I 
did find time to dig out the 32mb card to give the libretto it's full 64Mb and 
it didn't seem to make a blind bit of difference in terms of mounting and 
playing DVD images.

I'm not sure if it's something in my configuration (it seems I had to mount a 
region 2 image to get margi to decode region 2 vobs), something I've introduced 
in the ripping process, some extra processing introduced by it being region 2 
or something still adrift with the libretto hard disk, to many parameters at 
the moment and I've lost my motivation and spare time to follow up so the 
project is officially on hold.

For what it's worth slipstreamed windows loads a darn sight faster than my 
first installed standard version (SP3 as I recall) and feels snappier. If I was 
clean installing a libretto I'd go that route again and burn a cd for future 
usage. I think there are some limitations on stopping SFP in later service 
packs. Have a read of this was the process 
I followed (Philip does link to it). Oh for a switch in windows that says don't 
bind my hands, I'll accept the consequences of my actions, and another one to 
do a full backup of the hard disk overnight with a command line restore option 

Any way - back to lurking again, good luck with the mp3s.

Thanks again for your responses,


----- Start Original Message -----
Sent: Sat, 7 Jul 2007 10:37:49 -0700
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Libretto <>
Subject: MARGI - Was: [LIB] Lib list server belly up?

> Date: Sat, 07 Jul 2007 05:45:57 +0000
> From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: MARGI - Was: [LIB] Lib list server belly up?
> I just discovered my 32MB RAM extension card has been loose, and hasn't been 
> recognized for a few days.  But not knowing that yet, today I was able to 
> play MPEG-2 video with the MARGI card and software.  Now I don't know if 
> this means that Alan should be able to >install< the card and software with 
> only 32MB of system RAM or not.
> I discovered the loose card after reinstalling W2K.  My Echo Indigo sound 
> card had stopped working while playing MP3s via Winamp.  I gave up trying to 
> troubleshoot the problem thinking it was an OS problem.  But upon checking 
> which service pack was installed with my W2K installation, I found the 
> system was only seeing the basic 32MB RAM.
> I was reading Philip's page on setting up W2k on the 110, and was wondering 
> if I ought to try disabling SFP.  But it seems he was dealing with SP2.  
> I've got SP3 installed, and will probably upgrade that to SP4.  I don't see 
> any info on disabling SFP in W2K SP4 though.
> Matt
> ============================
> Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 05:00:52 +0000
> From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: MARGI - Was: [LIB] Lib list server belly up?
> From: "Alan Middleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> If I try either an ISO mounted with DaemonTools ripped from a region 2 dvd, 
> or opening a vob file direct from the hard disk the libretto just displays a 
> black window and doesn't do much else (hard disk light is permanently on)..<
> I'm running a libretto 110 with 32Mb of ram<<<<<<<!!!!
> 32MB of RAM??? You don't have the 32MB expansion card to bring the 110 up to 
> 64MB RAM? I'd say that'd probably be the problem. I got the Margi working in 
> both W2K and W98SE with only installing the drivers that either you, Avi, or 
> someone else pointed out some time back now. The hardest part of the process 
> was finding the card I buried in my storage unit after I gave up on it ages 
> ago.
> I do have to say though... the darned thing is >not< the most stable thing 
> running on the 110. It's like playing roulette each time I play a video. 
> Sometimes it'll play for and hour or more. At other times it'll lock up 2-3 
> times in an hour. I haven't really been keeping tabs on the odds though. I 
> must say though, it is pretty cool to be playing MPEG-2 video on the 110.
> Matt
> _________________________________________________________________

----- End Original Message -----

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