Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 19:57:09 +1200
From: Philip Nienhuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] OPD: Dan's Basiclink Libretto List?
Hi Matt:
Matthew Hanson wrote:
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 05:21:19 +0000
From: Matthew Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [LIB] OPD: Dan's Basiclink Libretto List?
I guess the few left on the list are troupers who just don't have much to discuss anymore. I confess I've been spending all my time on the Tosh U305-S2808 Best Buy return I won on EBay a while back for $523. The 110 sits in its dock looking a bit sad these daze...
Like yours, my 110 sits somewhere in a cupboard. I'm away until X-mas
but otherwise I fire it up every few months, sometimes together with an
old DEC 450SLC-e (with a 50 Mhz 486 DX2!) which dates back from 1994 I
It's that I've got a JVC 741 subnotebook that serves as my daily work
horse, otherwise I might still use my 110 daily. I only use it sometimes
for things in my LAN (like testing communication between various
operating systems).
From Xin's list I learn that there are still people using the 110, but
more for hobby (trying to stretch its specs or to cramp in Win-XP or the
likes) than "production" (whatever that may mean).
The archives has our two posts Philip. And our posts came through pretty
quickly. I was surprised, as I thought Dan's list server was probably clogged
up with spam again. So the at least the gears seem not too rusty.
The spammers probably found out that traffic is too low to benefit from
even the microseconds they need to send their junk.
Libretto list info: List archive: To unsubscribe:> Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2008 20:03:29 -0700> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: Re: [LIB] OPD: Dan's Basiclink Libretto List?> > Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 14:15:15 +1200> From: Philip Nienhuis
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Subject: Re: [LIB] OPD: Dan's Basiclink Libretto List?> > Hi Matt,> > I still receive messages (once every two
months or so) so the list still > survives.> > I do wonder if the archives still exist.> > Tru a lot can still be found,
but not all :-(> > Try also Xin's cool talk forums,>> there's still traffic there on librettos.> (Funny detail: the
forum SW doesn't seem to log you out if you close > your browser, only if you log out yourself. I seem to be logged in > perpetually there and as I
lost my login details some years ago t
t is > A Good Thing - for me).> > Philip> > Matthew Hanson wrote:> > Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2008 06:02:42 +0000> > From: Matthew Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> > Subject: OPD: Dan's Basiclink Libretto List?> > > > > > Could it be? Last post to the list I have in my mailbox and see in the online archives is the one I posted (below).> > > > MattLibretto list info: List archive: To unsubscribe:> Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2008 23:49:47 -0700> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: Re: [LIB] Finally need a more powerful laptop> > Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2008 23:48:10 -0700 (PDT)> From: Matthew Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Subject: Re: [LIB] Finally need a more powerful laptop> > So much for the new Hotmail interface. Here's the post again from Yahoo:> -------------------------------------------------------------------------> > Well... the demands of
tworking have become so demanding that I?ve just got> to get something
relatively small and light with more power than this old> 100CT. Something for around the $500 mark. I saw a Toshiba on sale at Best> Buy last week for $429. But I?d like to
get something with more CPU power than> it had. Something that can deal with MPEG2 video capturi> ng!> > which I read> requires at least a 1.8GHz cpu. > > This
little Asus is close if goes on sale at some point: >>
> > My poor old 110CT case is cracked and broken in so many places I?m amazed it?s> still working. Still, its been a great old war horse. But wifi internet> browsing
has just become too much for it. > > Anyone know any good current deals on something like that Asus? Tis the time> to start following all the local and online sales. >
Matt> > Libretto list info: List archive:> http://www
.m! To unsubscribe:> > __________________________________________________> Do You Yahoo!?> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around >> m !> > > > > > _________________________________________________________________> > Need to know now? Get instant answers with Windows Live Messenger.> >> > > > > > > > > > >
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