Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 00:33:06 +0900
Subject: 110 clock battery

> Subject: Re: Looking for replacing a dead Lib 60
> From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ...
> After several years, the internal clock battery
> may be exhausted and be causing the trouble you see.  
> A simple replacement would fix that.

I wrote earlier about a problem with RAM upgrade
often freezing the system. I 'fixed' it by re-seating
the RAM card. The fix was good for one day.
I am getting a free replacement RAM card from
the manufacturer, Hagiwara Systems. That may fix
the problem. However, during one freeze the date and time was 
also reset, to 1970 I think, so I wonder if I should
also check the clock battery. Is that something that
I could replace without voiding the warrantee.
I have one or two months left. Where is the
clock battery? Is that a button type?

Ken Akiba

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