Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 10:07:30 +0000
From: Libretto List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Libretto Archives?

on 21/9/00 10:50 pm, David Chien at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi David,

>> The archives at are updated when I get time these
>> days. Sorry for the delay on the latest update. As far as I know the
>> searchable archive is not longer around. If anyone knows where it has gone
>> let me know and I will once again add it to he footer.
> Actually, it's a bigger problem than that.

Smashing =O)

> The ol' searchable archives apparently run off some Unix box that's still/was
> linked from my web site (below) is now inactive/dead/gone.  Apparently,
> G.Taylor (?) who had maintained it isn't anymore.

I tried the site, but he seems to have gone and bought a Viao, well, I was
gonna do that, but its not as cute as my Lib.

> Now, in order to make the archives searchable once more, someone has to host
> the archives,

How much space are we talking about here?

> Maybe a free web site has CGI search capabilities, but I haven't had a chance
> yet to look for one that does that'll handle the size of the archives, and
> allow some custom scripting to archive new ones.

I should be able to sort something temporary, and hopefully a more full time
solution in the near future. If anyone happens to be friendlier with an ISP,
please step in at any time.. =O)

> The ol' archives simply archived each email posting as a unique number
> counting up from 1 as individual 'unix mail' files, so luckily, it's quite
> simply to throw back onto any unix/linux box.  Something on the order of over
> 20K messages...

OK, so if we say this message is 8Kb, then we are talking about around
160Mb. Ouch!

> years onto CD so everyone can buy a copy for reference.  This CD currently
> includes lots of stuff that is gone from the web, from Japanese magazines
> unavailable elsewhere, all the downloads, drivers, etc.

The one thing I would love to be able to do is read Japanese, there seems to
be loads of info on some of the Japanese sites, but Ive no idea if it is
useful or not?!?

> Again, sadly, my account doesn't come with 650MB of storage space ;) so there
> won't be an online version of the entire CD when it's finished.  It's too bad
> I'm in no-man's-land over here -- the local companies say I'm out of DSL and
> Cable Modem reach -- otherwise, I'd just setup my own local server at home.

This is what Im planning for the near future, assuming I can get the boss to
fund it =O) so I should be able to spare a gog or two on it for my own



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