Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 19:25:51 +0200
From: "Alexandre Kaoukhov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: 20GB experience + a few questions


> > How can I find where Libretto hibernates before I loose any data???????
>   One easy way is to get a program that'll write a series of 1's
> to the HD
> from just after oh, let's say, the first 2GB of HD to the end of the HD.
>   You then hibernate, then run a HD hex editor over the entire
> space looking
> for anything other than pure 1's.

Well, drive full of data an no spare disk, I was not able to proceed the way
you suggest. Indeed, I decided to write those 1's to suspected hibernation
zone for which I have previously created logical drive. Then, if successful
I would resize partitions to find boundaries. First thing to do was to
convert drive into free unallocated space - this would allow me to write to
actual location of partition table.
Trying this Win2k hanged erasing 4 of 5 logical drives in logical partition!
Though I lost much data on drive failures recently I still feel
uncomfortable about loosing data that often. Actually I am looking for a
good recovery software handling NTFS. Ontrack easyrecovery restore files (I
was even able to see those copied via USB!) but only couple of text files
<1kb were restored correctly.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks,

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