Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 14:29:06 +0100
From: "Alexandre Kaoukhov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Where to buy 36pins 5.25" enclosure?

I won Ibazar bid on Ricoh 9120 combo thus now I am desperately looking for
the device mentioned in the subject.

I know that they are still produced somewhere. Here in Paris I know only one
shop (Surcouf) that sells them but only bundled with PCMCIA adapter for
$100. I do not need a couple of another PCMCIA adapters. Addonics sells them
only with CDRW inside and a couple of hours of search on the internet
brought nothing else.

Otherwise I could never understand the reasons driving the market. Any good
device seem to be rapidly discontinued. As in the case of 36pin adapters.
There are any kind of 36pin adapter : Parallel, PCMCIA, CardBus, USB and
even Firewire. So user is always sure to choose the solution that suits his
needs yet be able to share the data with his fellows. Personally I was glad
using DNboy though PCMCIA and could almost always give it with its USB
adapter. Thus I stick with 36pins. Now only Firewire enclosure provides
reasonable bandwidth but I have not seen a single PC with 1394 port yet
(outside of computer stores). In theory I should buy Firewire adapter $150
plus enclosure $70 plus cables $30. At the end after spending around $200 I
will get a solution compatible virtually only with laptops. Sad story...

In the meantime I spent the whole week end soldering 40pins desktop to
40pins laptop adapter. I decided to use my DNboy as adapter consequently I
supposed that the only thing I need is to rewire connectors. I succeeded to
connect the pins of an old hard drive to DNboy respectively leaving 41-44
pins untouched because drive was powered through desktop AC adaptor. At the
end when I plug PCMCIA to Libretto HD seems to spin up and down, move its
heads as if being recognized yet nothing is seen in device manager. Can
anyone provide some help on this issue? Soldering appears to be correct as
tested with lamp.

Thank you,
Alexandre Kaoukhov

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