Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 07:31:08 -0700
Subject: Re: Libretto 100CT and PCMCIA problems (STILL!)

Wow, Paul!!!

>>Also, close down the properties window for the modem and double click on
>>the "Computer" at the top of the list in the Device Mgr window... check all
>>your IRQ's to see which one your modem is using...  you can also check the
>>I/O.. and the memory in that same window...
>The PCMCIA drivers share IRQ 11 with a load of ACPI drivers.
>The PCMCIA Modem (from memory) is by its self on IRQ 10

Ok... what memory does the modem have assigned to it when you click the
radio button for memory???

>I'm really annoyed at myself as it was working, but was advised by another
>member of the list (who shall remain nameless eh Andy ;-) ) to remove them
>and start again :-(

Yep, if it ain't broke, don't fix it... ;-)

Sigh... you may just need to take the time to reformat and redo it all again.
That's the ONLY sure-fire way of troubleshooting I've really been able to
come up with... on M$ junk.


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